A Prayer for Jimmy Swaggart

A Prayer for Jimmy Swaggart

I have a confession to make. I like Jimmy Swaggart. I don’t like all he does and teaches, but I do like the person God intended him to be. Jimmy’s early days of preaching are fun to watch. He could preach like nobody’s business! Truly a silver-tongued orator and a dramatic actor, both intelligent and talented. He could put on a show and move people for God like no one I’ve ever seen, except for perhaps Billy Graham.

In his younger years Jimmy appeared to be a happy and likeable fellow. Many people who have worked for him say that it was really hard not to like him. He was affable and smiled a lot. But when you see him today, he has a permanent scowl on his face. He appears bitter and unhappy. His sins have had their effect. Jerking his head with a nervous tic, he rails against all the churches. He calls his former denomination a cult, still seething with anger over being defrocked. Any ministries of any consequence are liable to be found in his crosshairs. He has gone from rags to riches to rebellion.

Such works as these will be burned up at the judgment seat of Christ. That alone is sad enough, but what of his soul? Is he in danger of hellfire? We must have compassion. Who is to say what sort of temptations we ourselves might have fallen into if we had been given his talent, popularity and riches? It is heartbreaking what has become of him. But nothing is too hard for God. Please join me in a sincere prayer for Jimmy. Scripture says: “Save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh.” (Jude 1:23) Let us pray:

A Prayer for Jimmy…

Oh God, we know that you love Jimmy Swaggart. We pray that he would turn from his false teaching. His riches have deceived him and his popularity has fooled him. Nothing is too hard for you, Lord. We pray you would open his eyes. Free him from his spiritual pride that he may humble himself.

May he repent of his stubborn, deceitful ways and come back to the simple word of God and abandon his heretical imaginings. Jesus, your shed blood is sufficient to wash away his sins. Help him see that he doesn’t need to make up doctrines to excuse himself. Your blood alone will cleanse him.

Let him know that the Church will accept him as a brother in Christ if he will only let go of his deceptions. Help him see that he needs the Church to help him reform. May he abandon his need to be someone special, someone important.

May he find joy in being a simple child of God, no longer striving to be preeminent. May he see that his way of hate for the Church is not your way, Lord. May he be touched by your love and repent of his animosity towards others in the Church. We pray that he would turn to elders in the Church that can give him counseling and the accountability he needs. We pray for him and his entire family that the Holy Spirit would enlighten them to the waywardness of their path.

We pray also for all those whom his teachings have deceived. May the eyes of their hearts be enlightened and set free by the truth of Thy Word. We pray for each of them, that every individual deceived by Jimmy Swaggart will join a Bible-preaching local church, where they can grow in grace in the company of other believers.


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