The Christian Answer Man

Honoring Christ by Defending the Faith

“Contend earnestly for the faith that was once for all time handed down to the saints.”  Jude 1:3 NASB

This is an on-line ministry whose purpose is to provide information about non-Christian cults and aberrational fringe Christian ministries. The Jimmy Swaggart scandal and the false teachings of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries is covered extensively. On these pages you find a wide array of information on various topics from commentary on current events, to ghosts, to UFOs, to bigfoot, to cults, and beyond.  Within these pages you will find explanations from a Christian perspective as well as input and discussion from numerous readers. Read and enjoy – you are invited to join the discussion!

The Purpose of This Website

One of the main purposes of this site is to expose the false teachings of various ministries and cults, including the erroneous claims of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, which has its roots in the Jimmy Swaggart scandal of the 1980s. The objective of this site is to assist people seeking information and to help those who are entangled in a cult. The goal is to follow the admonition of Holy Scripture to ever be, holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.” (Titus 1:9)

Why These Things Matter

Incorrect doctrine obstructs and obfuscates the path to God. Thus this site intends to “speak the truth in love” and help all come to know “the way of God more accurately.”

In the words of Reverend D.M. Canright, 1889…

“To criticize, expose and condemn others is not a pleasant task; but when religious teachers enthrone error, and mislead honest people, silence would be unkind and censurable.”

About Your Host

Pastor Mark, Jimmy Swaggart ScandalYour host is Mark Swarbrick, Pastor Emeritus. He studied at the the University of Illinois’ Institute of Aviation in the Commercial Pilot Training Program. Swarbrick received his diploma in Ministerial Studies from the Berean School of the Bible, Global University, an accredited college affiliated with the Assemblies of God. He was ordained by the Assemblies of God and has held positions as a worship leader, youth pastor, associate pastor and senior pastor.

Swarbrick was an instructor at Arizona Automotive Institute and has written curriculum for Gateway Community College in Phoenix. He is currently owner and founder of Swarbrick Software Inc where he has developed computer network failover systems.

Swarbrick is a published author of over a dozen books, both in the area of Information Technology as well as theology. With a heart towards helping those who have been ensnared by the cults he feels impelled to contribute to the voice of the Church in presenting Biblical doctrines as evidenced in orthodox historic Christianity.

How To Use This Site

The menu on the left will take you to pages that deal with particular cults or ministries. (If you are on a smart phone, click the three horizontal lines in the top left to drop down the menu.) Readers are encouraged to place comments. These are monitored daily and any theological questions will be answered there. For questions or help of a more personal nature, readers can send email to:

Jimmy Swaggart Scandal

A large portion of this site is devoted to the Jimmy Swaggart scandal and the false teachings currently being propagated by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. Because of the heterodox teachings of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries (JSM), this site classes JSM as a cult, or at the very least, an aberrant Christian ministry with cultic tendencies.

Books by Mark Swarbrick…

Swaggartism, Jimmy Swaggart Prostitute, Jimmy Swaggart House, Swaggart false prophet, false teacher, Jimmy Swaggart Net WorthFor more information on Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, get my book, Swaggartism: The Strange Doctrines of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, available now on Amazon in paperback, Kindle eBook, and audio book, starting at only $6.99. For information click HERE.

Available in Paperback and Kindle eBook – 266 pages of documented facts! 


Evolution Exposed: The Biblical and Scientific Evidence against Evolution

Author Mark Swarbrick unequivocally and convincingly illustrates the intrinsic incongruity between evolution and biblical Christianity. 

275 pages of truth! Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book.  Only $6.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Real Science vs Evolution: The Scientific Evidence against Evolution

Real Science vs Evolution offers a succinct analysis outlining why evolution, in its divergence from established scientific laws, fails to align with the foundational principles of genuine scientific inquiry. 

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $3.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Seventh-Day Adventism Examined: A Concise Summary of Adventism’s Unbiblical Doctrines

Author Mark Swarbrick meticulously dissects the myriad of false teachings within Adventism, contrasting these interpretations with scriptural truth. 

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $3.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


The Pre-Trib Rapture: Biblical Truth of the Blessed Hope

In his book, The Pre-Trib Rapture, author Mark Swarbrick meticulously outlines the extensive biblical support for a Pre-Trib Rapture, emphasizing the deliverance of the Church before the onset of the impending Tribulation period.

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $3.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Hidden History: The Untold Story of the Democratic Party

The political narrative in America has transcended the realm of politics to become a battle between the forces of good and evil. It is essential that all Christians are informed on the anti-Christian direction of the Democratic Party.

200 pages of factual history! Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $3.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


The Covid Conspiracy: The Cure for Covid and the Plot to Hide it from the World

The Covid Conspiracy tells the incredible story of diabolical collusion between multinational drug companies, governmental regulatory agencies, and unscrupulous politicians.

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


The Carnivore Diet: The Science, the Promise, and the Pitfalls

Author Mark Swarbrick thoroughly explains the diet, telling of his experiences with it and how it has radically improved his health in a short amount of time. One chapter deals with the current war on meat and what the Bible has to say about those who forbid eating meat. 

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Heavenly Miracles: True Stories of Supernatural Intervention

When the author saw how demons flee at the name of Jesus, his growing faith resulted in numerous miracles in his life and ministry. 

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 



King James Onlyism: Is the KJV the Best Bible Version?

KJV Onlyists have troubled the hearts of many a Christian and have split churches in half. Controversy, factions, and strive are their forte. No doubt, they are sincere, but they are sincerely wrong.

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 



End of Days: What the Bible Says Happens Next

Within the pages of this book, you will find sound biblical exegesis of end-time prophecy. With careful historical analysis and fresh insight, the author reveals previously unknown prophetic fulfillments that transpired during World War II. 

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 –Click HERE to purchase eBook or Audio Book. To purchase paperback, click HERE.


The Hidden Truth about Catholicism

If you are a Catholic this book is for you. With loving respect, this book gives a detailed account of the history of Catholicism with an in-depth analysis of Catholic teachings.




Life after Death: What Happens When We Die?

A refutation of soul sleep, the idea that people are unconscious or nonexistent until God raises their bodies from the dead at the resurrection.

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon.


Mormonism Examined: The Bizarre History and Unbiblical Doctrines of Mormonism

This is not an anti-Mormon rant, but a thoughtful analysis of Mormonism in the light of the Holy Bible and historic Christian doctrine.

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $4.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Truly Amazing: The Real Story of Adam and Eve

Children get bombarded with confusion about gender, marriage, and evolution at a very young age. This book shows what God has to say on these crucial matters. This book is a creation story for kids that explains the creation and the fall in an interesting way that children can relate to. 

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Beyond Redemption: Love and Longing in the Old West  (Book 1)

A thrilling historical western and romance packed with Gospel truth. A perfect gift for someone you want to share the Gospel with. Here is what one reader said about Beyond Redemption:

“THIS READ IS A GRIPPING JOURNEY back in time to the rugged Wild West, where love, justice, and redemption entwine in a tale that will leave you captivated. Author Mark Swarbrick skillfully weaves historical detail into this action-packed narrative, giving readers an authentic and suspenseful experience. The story revolves around Cal Chandler, an unlikely outlaw forced into a life of crime, and his love for Jessica Lorena McKenzie, a devout Christian, creating a captivating clash of faiths and emotions. For fans of historical depth, “Beyond Redemption” is a must-read that brings the people of the Wild West to life as they truly were.” — 𝙅𝒆𝙧𝒓𝙮 𝙍𝒖𝙗𝒆𝙣𝒔𝙩𝒆𝙞𝒏

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $6.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Beyond Redemption: War & Peace in the Old West  (Book 2)

The Second Book in the Beyond Redemption series. How the characters prayerfully deal with their challenges is a testament to the changing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $9.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Other books by Pastor Mark Swarbrick, click the image below…

The Expositors Study Bible, Jimmy Swaggart Study Bibles, The Expositor's Study BibleThe Expositors Study Bible, Jimmy Swaggart Study Bibles, The Expositor's Study BibleThe Expositors Study Bible, Jimmy Swaggart Study Bibles, The Expositor's Study Bible


  1. First all …you use an inaccurate Bible. In that version you use go to the story in Gen. about Abraham and Issac going to the mountain to make sacrifice to God.
    The big blunder in THE BIBLE you are using is it says…. he sacrificed FOR himself a lamb…That null and voids the Blood . He sacrificed HIMSELF..we could put a period there. The actual quote is ..He sacrificed HIMSELF A LAMB. Read it!!!


    1. Hi Doris – I do not know to what article on this website you are referring to. You mentioned this verse about Abraham and Isaac twice, once on the Summary of JSM page, but I don’t quote such a verse on that page, so if you want a detailed answer you will have to specify the article and passage you are referring to. Again, the KJV Only position is untenable and I’ll get an article up shortly on that. That is another one of the Swaggart aberrations.

      Pastor Mark


      1. Mark,
        I am not saying you quoted such a verse. I am simply using that verse as an example of how perverted the version of the Bible you are using is….Look the verse up and see if they have added FOR himself a lamb, Gen. 22:8 I was simply saying I prefer the kjv instead of the watered down versions such as you are using.
        Another example of the version you use being perverted is they leave out the name Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12-14 .
        When the name Lucifer is left out it causes confusion & many that I have spoken with believe that verse is speaking of JESUS, simply because the star of the morning is used in the watered down versions and the name Lucifer is left out completely.


        1. HI Doris – The reason modern versions leave out the word Lucifer is because it is not in the original Hebrew, which actually says, “O Day Star.” Lucifer is a human origin nickname for the Devil that was used in the 1600’s. That is one of many examples where the KJV is not as true to the original documents as some modern versions. Another example is John 1:18. In the KJV it reads, “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” But the new versions, such as NASB says, “No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.” This is a much clearer statement of the deity of Christ. It is so rendered in the NASB because the manuscript evidence for this is much stronger. Modern versions are more accurate because they are based upon a greater amount of textual evidence that has been uncovered since 1611 and also our understanding of the original langauges is more advanced now than when the KJV was made. I recommend that you take a look at this website:


          1. Hi Doris – You have made posts with several different names: “Doris” “Doris Early” “Mark” and “n/a x” This is confusing for everyone. You must only use one name per email address. Doris or Doris Early is fine but using “Mark” and “n/a x” is making it difficult for people to know who they are carrying on a conversation with.

            The purpose of this website is to educate people concerning the dangers of JSM and other cults. Those with honest questions and a desire to learn are encouraged to make comments. The purpose of this site is to assist those who have loved ones caught up in error. It is also for those who themselves have been caught up into error, consequently some disagreement is expected. So long as people are teachable, and have productive dialogue in the spirit of Christian love, their posts will be approved and allowed to post. Posts that are argument for arguments sake will not approved and posted.

            It is also essential that the posts be on topic for the page they are posted on. Your comments on Bible versions are off topic. Soon there will be a page up entitled the “KJV Only Cult,” and when that is up you can post such comments on that page.

            Many of the objections or points you have raised are clearly answered in other articles or videos. I would recommend you spend some more time reading before posting. Of particular help to you may be the articles, Debate With a Swaggarite. You can read that here: Many of the things you bring up are already answered there.

            Pastor Mark

          2. Doris – I am sorry to hear that you have declared yourself unteachable. In that case this site is not for you, for as I said, it not for those who wish to carry on a rant and be divisive, but for those who want to read the truth about the JSM cult. There are other sites where you can argue and spread the lies of JSM. This site is not one of those. I pray that you will see the light someday and come to see the infectious rebellious and divisive influence that Swaggartism has on those who follow him.

            Vaya Con Dios,

            Pastor Mark

  2. Continue…..This is a question I have had since I found both websites, yours and
    Why do you not go after men like Kenneth Copeland who has linked up with the Catholic church(I consider the Roman Catholic Church as the endtime apostate church) and has actually visited the Pope for the “new reformation” saying the Protest is over…referring to the Protestant reformation and Luther?
    Joel Olsteen is another so called man of God who speaks to his congregants in Smooth sayings as spoken of in the book of Isaiah 30:10. I could name more men who I consider to be false so called “prophets”.


    1. Hi Doris – You make a really good point. Kenneth Copeland is another dangerous false teacher and I really should have some information posted on him. My site is fairly new and I’m doing it as fast as I am able. I have information on Mormonism, JWs, Islam, JSM, and I am currently working on a page for Catholocism. As soon as I am able I will get a page up about Copeland and the Word of Faith movement. Joel Olsteen – I need to do more research on him. Anyway, thanks for the heads up! I can’t answer your question about Deceptionbytes. I would assume her site is more orientated towards JSM because she worked at the headquarters as their webmaster and has first hand information about the bizarre going-ons there. God bless,

      Pastor Mark


      1. Ok, i’m reading more of your posts. i don’t know where to start…My whole Christian life has been associated with cults…wow. You wouldn’t happen to have any resources in Detroit i could avail the use of? i just wanna go home…i lived in Nevada for 20 years. Was IN a cult there in Fallon. Came back home to Detroit March 18th 2023. Been stuck in Louisiana since Dec 3rd 2023. Homeless the whole time…i’m SO glad God loves me and forgives me even when i don’t. Have a nice day sir P.S. i did NOT…THANK GOD…DID NOT drink the kool-aid. 😊


        1. Hi Selena, My prayers are with you that God leads and guides you. I’m glad you didn’t drink the kool-aid! I’ll be glad to help you as you listen to the Lord’s guidance.
          God bless,
          Pastor Mark


    1. Hi Joel, Thanks for your comment. If you prefer the KJV, then praise God, read it. However be careful of the KJV Only Cult that condemns other Christians in an unbiblical manner. The fact of the matter is that the KJV is less accurate than some more modern versions. I suggest you take a look at these websites:,,PTID34418_CHID629816_CIID416826,00.html and

      Pastor Mark


  3. I think I’ve read everything on your site about Jimmy Swaggart. I’ve been hanging around a Facebook group primarily for Charismatics, though I am not one of them. I couldn’t believe the things they were saying and how they would accept no instruction in the truth at all. Until I found your site I didn’t realize what was going on. Everything you describe, I see in this group.

    My question though is, how do you get people out of a group like that? Every quote you give them from the Bible, they already have a twisted way of understanding it. Even when you show them they have made a factual provable-in-court misstatement, they just ignore it and move on.


    1. Hi Stan, I’m glad my site has been a help to you. You raise a good question: How do you get people out of a cult-like group? I have found it is very difficult. Once they are brainwashed they are very hard to reach. Its just like that with Swaggarites. Once they drink the cool-aid they are blinded to all logic and scripture. All you can do is pray for them, show love and paitence to them, and present them with the truth. God bless you.

      …Pastor Mark


  4. Hi Mark,
    I like what I’ve read so far on your site. I am a pastor with the Church of God, Cleveland. Jimmy Swaggart’s ministry was partially instrumental in my salvation back in the early 80’s. I’m glad my salvation is based on Christ and not on him, because of the “fall” in ’88. I do watch sbn now occasionally and here are some thoughts. The arrogance is still there. The air of superiority and the implication is that he’s the only one doing anything for Christ is still there. The bad mouthing of other ministries (many times well deserved) is still there, though maybe a bit subdued. I am by no means a Swaggart defender. I will say this, I have listened to “The Message Of The Cross” and really don’t hear the same things you do. Not entirely, anyhow. I don’t think they bad mouth Paul, at least I’ve never heard it like that. Paul was human like the rest of us, and even he said he hadn’t arrived at sinless perfection (Php 3:9-14)The idea of the cross being effective for sanctification as well as justification is really nothing new. The blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin. My problem is they imply that no one else is teaching it. Some of the other stuff (Heaven is a planet, pre adamic race etc.) is a lot of foolishness. As a local pastor it is very disturbing to hear them fish for “media church members.” I wonder if they’ll come and visit them in the hospital. Anyhow, just thought I’d give an opinion. Looking forward to reading more of your site. Blessings.


    1. Hi Pastor Carmen, Thanks for the feedback and may God bless you in your ministry. That is a good point you bring up, that he does imply they are the only ones teaching the true gospel. Concerning Swaggart’s Message of the Cross, he certainly does not say the same things on air that he says in print. He keeps it fairly palatable on the airwaves. If you take a look at his Bible commentary you can see him really getting off base. It gives you the distinct impression he wants to say Paul didn’t comprehend the cross and thus sinned, in order to excuse his own sinful past while preaching. If you haven’t read it yet, look at my article here: Swaggart writes, “he failed to obey no matter how hard he tried…the Apostle Paul couldn’t live for God…Paul thought, now that he had accepted Christ, by that mere fact alone he could certainly obey the Lord in every respect; but he found he couldn’t…he failed…having just been saved, and not understanding the cross of Christ, he tried to live for God by keeping the commandments through his own strength and power; in his defense, no one else at that time understood the cross…sin in his life…finds himself unable to stop; unfortunately, due to the fact of not understanding the cross…” I submit that this is unbiblical teaching. Swaggart is not arguing that Paul was not perfect. Of course he was not. He is arguing that Paul sinned grievously (perhaps as Swaggart had) because, even though he was an apostle, he did not understand the cross.

      Much of Swaggart’s Message of the Cross is Biblical, yet he claims it is something new, when in fact the Biblical parts of his Message of the Cross are indeed taught by all Christian churches. If his message was really indeed novel and not taught by the other churches, then it would, of course, be heretical, unless one is willing to believe that, counter to our Lord’s promise, Hell has indeed prevailed against His Church. It seems that integral to Swaggart’s Message of the Cross is the idea that all the churches are in error and are of the devil; that he alone has the true Gospel and he has more light than anyone else in Church history.

      To quote Swaggart: “In this Revelation, the Lord explained to me, even in graphic detail…He gave me more light than the Church has ever known.” To claim more light than all the theologians and ministers of the Church of all time, including the apostles, is the epitome of arrogance. And then there is his oft repeated statement, “the cross must ever be the object of our faith,” This statement, not found in Scripture, is the core of his teaching. Although it may seem innocuous to some, it is actually unbalanced, for the core of our faith is to be in a person, not an action. Our faith should focus on Jesus, believing in him, and then by extension, you believe all that he taught about what he was going to do on the cross. When you have Jesus you have the cross. When you focus only on the cross, you may or may not understand that the key is a vital living relationship with a person who went to the cross for you. I fear some Christians will get the idea that Swaggart’s doctrine is salvation, rather than in following Jesus, for I have met many Swaggarites that think nothing of hurting and offending family members as they beat them over the head with Swaggart’s doctrines, rather than preach Christ and show His love. The cross can do nothing for you, if you do not first have Christ. I realize you know all this and I am preaching to the choir, so to speak.

      Good point about their media church. I’ve had lots of feedback from people on this site that have had family members quit their local church to join his media church because Swaggart told them all churches are evil and his is the best.

      God Bless you pastor and thanks for the insightful comments!

      …Pastor Mark


    2. They don’t visit those in their own local congregation in the hospital!! Just ask Wanda Randolff, who’s husband, Doc, who used to be a singer there, got very sick with a Kidney disease, & eventually passed away. No Swaggart visited him, nor did they gave a plug nickel toward Doc’s huge medical bills.


  5. One more thing. There are many who say that when the mention “the cross” they are talking about the piece of wood he hung on. I have heard them say over and over again that when they say “the cross” they are referring to Christ and what he did on the cross to atone for our sins. Christ and him crucified. Again, I am not a Swaggartite, but I try to balance everything out. Be blessed bro.


    1. Hi Pastor Carmen, Yes, I agree with you. They are not talking about a piece of wood. They are talking about an action; the action of Christ dieing on the cross for us. Swaggart tries to claim nearly all churches are NOT teaching the cross, which is just silly. As I am sure you agree, all Christan churches preach that Christ’s death and shed blood on the cross purchased our redemption. Balanced Christian churches applaud all churches that preach Christ and Him crucified. Swaggart’s church has an unbalanced twist on it, something like, “Swaggart alone has the truth, he has more light than anyone ever, and almost all churches are false, The cross comes first, and oh yea, Jesus too.
      …Pastor Mark”


      1. I was just reading through your site…Thank you for confirming things that I don’t agree with…Jimmy and his family are so self centered……I watch them sometime because I love the music. I just don’t understand what the difference is in the Message of Jesus and the Message of the Cross..Thank you again!


  6. Just discovered your web-site. I’m enjoying it very much. If you are still in the Phoenix area, could you recommend a good church in Gold Canyon?


    1. Thanks Connie. I am sorry, I am not familiar with any churches in Gold Canyon. You might check and see if there is an Assembly of God church there. Calvary Chapel is another good one, but I don’t know if they have one in Gold Canyon

      Pastor Mark


  7. I am enjoying your website very much but would like to make one suggestion.

    I notice in several articles that you use Wikipedia as a reference source. Most serious scholars will immediately discount anything that is sourced from Wikipedia as there are no restrictions regarding what information can be added and who can add to it, making it suspect at best.

    Again, I have enjoyed your website and find it very informative and, apart from the Wikipedia sourcing, will be using it as a future reference.


  8. I have a question regarding Geniuses. Does evolution contradict with The Bible? Can you believe in evolution but still fully believe in The Bilble? Thanks!


    1. Hi Henry, You ask a great question, one I struggled with for quite some time after becoming a Christian. The answer is, Yes, evolution does contradict the Bible. You can be saved and believe in evolution but your faith will be weak because you cannot fully believe all of the Bible and evolution at the same time. Just one example: In Luke Chapter 3 the genealogy of Jesus is traced back to Adam, about 6 thousand years prior. If you believe in Jesus you have to believe in Adam. The New Testament clear states (1 Co 15:45) that Adam was the first man. So the Bible says the first man was created six thousand years ago. That contradicts what evolution says. So you have to reject one and accept the other. As a point of fact, evolution also disagrees with many established laws of science. I have written a book that shows the contradictions between evolution and the Bible and evolution and science. You can get it here:


  9. JSM has come up “short” two months in a row, to the tune of $2Million! It appears TRUE Christians are catching on, Praise God! They can EASILY make it up from their $500M coffers; or sell a couple of jets, their Mercedes, or $5M estate if they Truly care about forwarding God’s word to the world. Instead, (you will notice) JSM is suddenly recruiting numerous black singers and younger blacks; talking about, “Generation after generation, we need to spread the Word of God to the young people”. Donnie was obviously pissed they did not make their artificial goal; (which includes HUGE profits for the Swaggarts). Read 2 Cor. 2:17 ! “We do NOT peddle the Word of God for profits”. And Jimmy blames all their criticism of their opulent, tax-free lifestyles on gossip and the Devil. They are NOT teaching the TRUTH from God’s Word or any repritable Bible. Instead, JSM has distorted God’s Word with Jimmy’s own “expositor bible” in an effort to Pollute minds and gain more stature, (pride) and profit. 1 Tim: 6:3-10. These people are seriously twisted; out for money !
    We pray you pass on God’s TRUTH to NOT support Jimmy Swaggart or family.


  10. I was abused by a Catholic Priest at the age of 12 and left the church in disgust at the age of 18. I was empty without God until 1997, when I was converted and saved by a Bible believing, (KJV) Christian. He put me on the path to salvation,
    according to God’s Word in the Bible. I was Baptize in 1998 at the age of 45 in accordance with the Bible, with him at my side. I truly love that man, but he NEVER told me that I had to, “speak with evidence of tongues” as JSM claims we “MUST do in order to be truly Baptized in Christ”. Just like Catholicism I was very confused! So, I studied with scholars, versus Jimmy Swaggart; who it turns out; is a high school DROP OUT! NO WHERE in ANY Bible, but his “expositor BS bible” does it say you are Truly “Saved” when you speak in tongues – NO WHERE!!! This man and his family are NOTHING more than show people, (like Jimmy’s cousins) exploiting the Word of God for HUGE PROFIT!
    They claim a FALSE monopoly on God and the Cross for money. 2 Cor. 2:17. PLEASE Wake UP! Find a local, Honest, God’s True Word, Bible believing Church, and get involved and support them. DO NOT waste, or piss away
    your money like my mother did. They did NOTHING for her in return, in her
    time of need; and after giving over $200K. JSM just asked for more money.
    PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!! These people are a CIRCUS act in God’s name!
    Why would you put up with heresy and blasphamy of OUR God and Church?


      1. God bless you, Pastor Mark. I personally know ex-employees who first brought this fake, for profit family to my attention. I did not ask for this, but am appalled at what I have learned from honest people, who spent years working, (and suffering) under the Swaggart Ministry, especially under Francis. Can you enlighten us further? What about other web-sites we can visit and investigate for more facts?
        Thank you in advance.


    1. Phillip Stevens, I agree with everything that you said here, except one thing: Jimmy’s cousins (Mickey Gilley & the Killer) have FAR more integrity than all of the Swaggarts put together. Especially Mickey.


  11. 7/21/16 at 8:45 pm. WOW!!! Jimmy has now got a new black preacher
    on stage screaming at us, creating FEAR if we are not saved in the way
    he claims; just like the foolishness of Jimmy Swaggart and his family.
    Folks, PLEASE read your Bibles, instead of believing in their heresy!


  12. It has been stated here that you support Ted Cruz and not Donald Trump. Now that the RNC and DNC conventions are over with, then we are left with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. You do not support Trump so that only leaves Hillary. So, the only option is to vote third party or not at all. As such, a vote for a third party will only hand one of the other candidates the election. I think that Hillary is a shoo-in and that her victory will be a measurable milestone in the trajectory of our country.


    1. Hi James, Yes, my support was for Cruz, however now that the primary is over I am backing the Republican candidate – Trump. He is not as good as Cruz would have been but nevertheless, Trump is far better than Hillary. I have predicted that Trump will lose to Hillary. I pray that I am mistaken.


      1. Hi Pastor Mark
        I know you wrote the above three years ago, but I have become extremely concerned for your well-being.
        Trump is not a man of God, but a man of Satan – although perhaps that gives him too much status. Trump is completely sexist and has spoken disgustingly about women. He has publicly abused a disabled man- someone with Cerebral Palsy- at a meeting. He has looked at a child of 9 and commented what she would be like (he means sexually) when she is a woman.He has employed people and then failed to pay them, which is a kind of theft. He is racist toward Mexicans and people of other faiths. Christians do not build walls between people. Never read in the bible that Jesus did this. It is the exact opposite of “love your neighbour”. He has a serious personality disorder, sees nothing outside of himself and is not a man of peace.
        You will by now know all about our ridiculous Brexit. I am a Remainer mainly for reasons not relevant here, but since Trump arrived on the scene and we started heading for Brexit, people here get genuinely worried. We are Europeans, not Americans and many feel that if we are outside Europe, we will be taken over by Trump. I am ashamed his mother came from Scotland and I pray he will remove his hotels and golf courses from my country.
        Before anyone replies that our current leader is no better – yes you’re right- please take him, he’s not wanted here in Scotland either. Difference is though he is not the most powerful man in the world. I pray that you, as a man of God, will review your support for Trump and remember that many Christians believe the Anti-Christ will be a powerful male leader who will trick people into following him. I note you have written something about Obama, though I haven’t read it yet and am beginning to wonder if you object to a woman or a black person becoming President. Please reassure me that this is not the case.


        1. Pastor Mark
          My beliefs about Trump have not changed. Also, I like Hilary. However, I probably don’t know the history as I am not American. However, I know much more about you and your website now and just wanted to say, I withdraw my comment that you did not want a woman or a black man to lead your country and I should not have reached this conclusion.


  13. Brother Mark, it’s just after 5:00 am 8-22-16 I flipped the channel and there was SBN with Swaggart preaching. The message he was preaching was in Nashville Tennessee on September 13th the year 1985.

    At one point he was preaching what it means to be saved, justified or Justification and it’s meaning to a believer and Sanctification and what it means to a Christian. This is important because he claims now that God gave him a new revelation about the cross and these three doctrines in 1991. He preached on these three doctrines many times before, his moral failure in 1988. He has said (now) that “maybe he had read these thing before but just didn’t see what God has showed him (The new revelation)now. I submit that there is one thing to say “I read something before in the bible but that’s all I did was read it, I didn’t really know what it meant. But it’s another thing to read it and either teach it or preach on it, as he has done several times in the past before his failure. He knew it and it’s meaning before he got caught with a prostitute. This is why I don’t believe him, that God has now gave him a new revelation on what he’s preached on and knew the meaning of, the cross and the teachings that comes with it, (saved, sanctification and justification). He’s created a excuse to justify his not repenting and admitting that he was lost. The truth, God did use him, but God also used a donkey, because God uses a man or woman doesn’t mean they are in right standing with God, God’s word will not return to Him void no matter who says it. This is Swaggarts issue, he can’t stand the ideal that God used him while he was seeing a prostitute, in his mind he believes he must have been in right standing with God or else God wouldn’t have used him. That is just not true. The ideal God uses us should be an incentive for us to maintain a purity in Christ, but it doesn’t mean God can’t use a person who is in sin. God can and has (been known to do so), to use whom or what ever He chooses. He used Pharaoh, Judas and others that He knew that they weren’t right with him.Just because God uses us doesn’t mean we are right with Him, God will not share his glory.


    1. Hi James and thanks for your insightful comment. That is very interesting – he was teaching his “new revelation” before he says he received it. This confirms what I have suspected all along – that his concocted new revelation is just a way to excuse his past failures. God bless.

      …Pastor Mark


    2. Finis J. Dake wrote his “Dake Bible” while he was in prison. He was arrested and sentenced to prison under the Mann Act because he was having sex with underage girls and taking them across state lines. Dake got some things wrong in his “Bible” and Jimmy Swaggart used Dake’s commentary almost word for word in his own red-letter comments. The Dake family sued Jimmy Swaggart for copyright infringement and the court found Jimmy Swaggart guilty and ordered him to pay a “hefty” amount to the Dakes, although I don’t know the exact amount.


  14. I watched you video on Jimmy Swaggart and was not surprised at what was said. What surprised me and hurt me the most was the liquor bottles to the right of the viewing screen. I am a Child of God and if you drink, that is between you and God. However, there are a lot of Christians who believe drinking is a sin and you have hurt your witness for God. I would suggest if you do anymore work for the Lord, you be very careful in offending the “babies” that are still on milk…. Being a drunk is also a sin.


    1. Hi Libby, Your comment about liquor bottles has me puzzled. I do not drink and there are no liquor bottles than I can find in any of my videos. Which video are you talking about? The Swaggart Seduction? My videos are shot in a green room, so the background is actually a picture. I use a picture of an office library off the Internet. I have looked closely and I see no liquor bottles in the picture. No one else has made a comment about any bottles, so I guess no one else sees them either. If there were liquor bottles in the picture, I would agree with you completely. God Bless,
      …Pastor Mark


  15. Do you know why people believe in JS’s messages? I have a grandson who is dating a girl who attends a church that preaches the cross. He was told he was no good because he doesn’t speak in tongues and more. So much of what they state doesn’t even make sense. This girl’s father (from what she has said is very perverted) and he tells my grandson that if he turns to God (as if he hasn’t), he will support him even over his family. ??????? She uses the expository bible and they argue when he disagrees. I don’t get it.


    1. Hi Moira, Thanks for your input. What you experienced is typical of what you run into when dealing with people caught up in a cult. They can be very argumentative and narrow-minded. Hopefully your grandson can get find a bible-based church to take his girlfriend to.

      …Pastor Mark


  16. Have you recently seen the commericals on sbn? One of them has a man saying his ears are tickled!!!! and that’s suppose to be good?


    1. Hi Lee, Wow! Really? Thats amazing. They are actually bragging that they are the fulfillment of the prophecy: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires…” (2 Timothy 4:3). I am guessing that since they are King James fanatics they don’t realize several modern translations have it as “ears tickled” instead of as in the KJV, “itching ears.

      …Pastor Mark


  17. Hi Mark,
    Thanks for answering me. I still have JS expositor’s study bible and I don’t know what to do with it. I don’t want to just throw it away, it is still the Word of God, but perverted. I want to just throw it away. I have went and got me a KJV bible and I have asked the Holy Spirit to teach me the word. I read everyday and I am helped and strengthen. I still have his books, I will get rid of. In the past, I tried to read his book “The Message of the Cross.” It was almost 500 hundred pages. I stopped and it dawned on me, it takes 500 pages to explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ? It is not that difficult to understand. I have stopped tithing to them and found another church. I have asked the Lord to help me see what is going on with Jimmy Swaggart Ministries and to forgive me for following them. I followed them for 5 years.
    I now notice that little of the Gospel is being preached. In service, a scripture is read and Donny, Gabriel, or Jimmy start telling stories of yesteryear. I have even heard Jimmy tell a story of a woman who had four kids without any reproductive organs. I was trying to see if I could research and find this, but I could not. The stories really have nothing to do with the scripture that was read. I just want to hear “what thus says the Lord.” It is the same thing with his morning program, “The Message of the Cross.” Stories, no Gospel being preached.


    1. Hi C, I’m so glad to hear that you have seen the light about the Swaggarts. It takes a big man with good character to admit when they were wrong. God bless you as you walk with Jesus! God bless,

      …Pastor Mark


  18. Hi Pastor Mark
    Okay I do see what you mean. Of course no one can add to the Bible. What is this revelation which Bro Swaggart thinks he has been told? What is it he wants everyone to do?
    They had their Christmas input on a few days ago. Church was decorated and they were singing Christmas hymns, but when Bro J came on to do his bit, he started talking about the cross again as though it was Easter. What is the message of the cross he keeps taking to the world and why is it different?
    Is it true that you have to talk in tongues as evidence of something?
    I don’t really know much about the Pentecostal church, so I have nothing to compare JSM with.
    I saw Donny on the share-a-thon thing and he was actually intimidating people watching him on TV, trying to shame people into giving money.


  19. I have just visited your site for the first time, having read the JSM articles. Most enlightening! It made me realise just how merciful and protective the Lord has been towards me. I am located in the U.K., and here it is becoming nigh on impossible to find a church that is not preaching heresy, in particular the Prosperity Gospel, or Word of Faith, as it is sometimes known. It is an evil, and dangerous cult which is swamping our churches, and deceiving multitudes. As I had to leave yet another church because of heretical teaching, it took over a year before I found a church with sound doctrine, during which time I began to view JSM tv. Though it seemed sound, something held me back from joining the online church, or donating any money. Though the message of the cross was preached (it should actually be the message of Jesus Christ, and Him crucified), I did notice the arrogance, particularly of Donnie Swaggart, and of the fact that they did not seem to take criticism well, and also that they too readily encouraged others to leave their church, and not tithe to their church, yet I couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong. The Lord protected me wonderfully, and you have clarified it all for me.
    My only question is, why is the Word of Faith ministries (Kenneth and Gloria Copeland) the prosperity gospel, not on your list. This cult really needs to be exposed!
    Thank you


    1. Hi Margaret, You are absolutely correct. The “Name it and Claim It, Gab it and Grab it” prosperity message is another gospel and is a vast cult that needs to be exposed. I really should have a whole section on that. Time constraints are the only problem. Making a living interferes with what I really want to be doing. Its on my to-do list. Thanks for reminding me! God bless!

      …Pastor Mark


  20. Dear Pastor Mark,
    Thank you for taking the time to reply to my comment.
    I will remember you in my prayers.
    God bless
    Margaret Merryweather


  21. I have asked previously why everything is so secretive at SBN. Johnny Lee Cleary was fired and died soon after. There was no explanation. Frances has not ben on her own program for 2 weeks.

    I have not received an answer from you.


    1. Hi Naomi, I did not see your previous comment, otherwise I would have answered. Concerning your question: “why is everything so secretive at SBN?” I really couldn’t say, I can only surmise that when people have wrong things to hide, they become very secretive. The fact that they have done many bad things in the past no doubt has taken its effect. Sin warps the psyche and engenders fear that makes a person secretive about even innocuous things. “The wicked flee when no man pursueth…” (Proverbs 28:1) God Bless,

      ….Pastor Mark


      1. Thank you Pastor Mark. Frances has only been on her program one time in weeks and today, it was a rerun. She disappears in the middle of her live broadcasts with no explanation.

        I have sent them a lot of e-mails, primarily about being so mean spirited or trying to correct them when I think they are wrong.

        No one on the panel will dare disagree with Frances (except Donnie). Are they all unpaid puppets who are afraid of getting fired?


  22. Pastor Mark. I was a Swaggarite until a friend sent me a link to your site. Ive been, until yesterday ,a member of Swaggart’s media church. I got saved watching SBN in 2014 and 3 months later received the infilling of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues. You opened my eyes to what is going on their and I proceeded to post your website address in all 3 Swaggart groups that Im no longer in ,on Facebook. Then an odd thing happened over 30 likes came and then around 6pm the questions started then I started to get attacked and a war insued. Wich ended at midnight when I got dropped from all 3 groups. I stayed polite I never cursed or used foul language I felt led by the Spirit the whole time. Everything you said about those people is 100 percent right. Thank you for waking me up. God used you in my life and when I renounced that ministry I felt at peace and I had love in my heart for the 1st time. Praise God!!


    1. Hi Matthew, Thank you so much for sharing. I am so very happy to have been a help to you. You’ve made my day! I know what you mean – once you point out the errors of Swaggartism the fangs come out! You should see the hate mail I get! Its like the proverb: “Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you.” (Pr 9:8) So glad you are one of the wise ones. My prayers are with you and I pray you find a good solid Bible-based to church to attend. Thanks again for your comment. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if I can be of further assistance. Have a blessed day!

      …Pastor Mark


  23. Pastor Mark, I had to turn off Frances and Friends today. Are all of her panel members puppets who have to agree with everything that she says.

    They don’t believe in any humanitarian aid to anyone. We support and have supported several humanitarian organizations for many years.

    She has been wrong about her comments on whether or not immigrant children have been separated from their parents.

    Frances is not a scholar; she cannot even correctly pronounce some words that she gets in e-mails.

    Several people that she has had on her panel have not been there in weeks. There is no explanation about where they are.


    1. Hi Naomi, Your comments are right-on. Yes, she is no scholar. She didn’t get much of an education as she dropped out of school to marry Jimmy when she was a 15-year-old child. Jimmy dropped out of school as well, so neither one has much of an education.

      …Pastor Mark


  24. Pastor Mark, the Swaggarts are totally against the Mason’s. My husband is not a Mason, but many of our Christian friends are Masons, including pastors. My Rabbi was a Mason; my Jewish uncle was a Mason; my uncle was a Shriner. Most of our presidents have been Masons.
    I just think of the Masons and Shriners as fraternal societies. The Shriners and the Masons have done a lot of humanitarian work over many decades. My father-in-law spent 3 months in the Shriner’s hospital in Atlanta when he was a teenager for free. His father was a sharecropper so there would have been no way that they could have paid for his hospitalization. What is your opinion about the Masons and Shriners?


    1. Naomi, Sorry for the long delay in answering this question. I meant to answer but then forgot. Anyway, my answer is this. Although it is possible to be saved and also be a Mason, joining the Masons is not something that I believe a Christian should do. Becoming a Mason involves bowing down to a man and proclaiming, “I am lost in darkness...” Colossians 1:13 says that God has “rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son.” To proclaim otherwise is a denial of an explicit statement of Scripture.

      To become a Shriner you must swear an oath in the name of “Allah, the God of our Fathers!” The Muslim God is not the God of the Bible. See this article I wrote on Islam:

      I recommend the following article on Masons and Shriners. It sheds more light on the matter:

      …Pastor Mark


  25. Just discovered your site and you confirmed what I was having trouble with in the swaggarts bible its getting harder to find a preacher to believe in and know he is preaching the word of God. Asking for prayers God knows the needs and thank you


    1. Hi Paul, My prayers are with you as you search for a good local church to be part of. Make yourself as familiar with the scriptures as you can. That will help you detect false teaching. When you find a church be sure to ask for their Statement of Faith. If they don’t have one, run. A good church will put their statement of faith on their website. If I can help you in anyway please don’t hesitate to ask. God bless,

      …Pastor Mark


  26. Pastor Mark,

    I just came across your website yesterday and have been reading many of your postings. I find them all to be of great value to my understanding of God’s Word. I profess that my knowledge of the Bible is much less than I want it to be.

    One of the issues my wife and I face in our life is that we are ex-Catholics who having rejected the teachings of Catholicism are, at times, at odds with her family – especially her brother – over our decision ten years ago to not be in the “one true church”. Your posting “Catholicism’s Errant Teachings” was wonderful and, with your permission, I will use to refute my brother-in-laws arguments on us having condemned ourselves in God’s eyes. The whole time I was reading it I felt I was reading the truth and it brought me great peace. Your explanations of the unbiblical based Roman Catholic church were so readily understandable that I was constantly mentally nodding throughout the reading.

    Thank you Pastor Mark. God bless.

    Jon Bullis


    1. Hi Jon, thank you for your comment. It is so encouraging to me when someone is helped by one of my writings. It makes all the research and labor worthwhile. I thank you. If I can be of any assistance to you in the future please don’t hesitate to email me directly at or, if it is a question others will benefit from, you can post here. However, emails are checked more frequently.

      God Bless,

      …Pastor Mark


    1. Hi Cathy, Yes, that is a translation I would recommend. It’s the product of a translation team of 100 scholars from 17 denominations and draws on the latest advances in Bible translation in scholarship. The HCSB has had some minor revisions and is now the CSB – Christian Standard Bible. The CSB is less literal than the NASB but more literal than the NIV. Here are some links to articles that critique the CSB:–a-review-of-the-latest-bible-translation.html

      God Bless,

      …Pastor Mark


  27. Thank you for the speedy response. I’m buying 2 of the Big Picture Bibles for my grandsons 8 & 10. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  28. Hello I’m a 19 year old Christian from the USA, I watched this video with my parents yesterday and it said a lot of things like, “We’re doing devil worship on Christmas and Easter….” and then I asked myself, “Well then when was Jesus born and when did he die?”. So my question to you is, When is Jesus Christs REAL birthday and day of death?

    The video:

    P.S – I’ve read some of your blog posts and so far haven’t disagreed with anything you’ve said and you’ve cleared things up for me too.
    Thank you and God bless you!!!


  29. Pastor Mark, I have a question that no one can answer. I grew up in Orthodox Judaism; therefore I knew nothing about Jesus (just that I was not supposed to even mention his name); and I sure didn’t know anything about The Holy Spirit.

    That said, for many years before I was saved, I would have what I called “premonitions” about someone being sick or in danger. They were very specific and turned out to be correct.

    I now know that it was The Holy Spirit revealing this to me but Christians say that God does not hear the prayers or even speak through The Holy Spirit to anyone who has not been “saved”. I have never gotten an explanation of why The Holy Spirit revealed all of this to me before I was saved.


  30. Hello Pastor Mark,
    My husband and I, after many years of service to The Salvation Army and my chaplaincy with them, have been recently been re-introduced to Jimmy Swaggart and SBN. I’ve read and re-read all if your articles regarding that ministry, particularly noting the term “Swaggarite”.

    Husband is deeply moved by both the music and preaching, especially JS himself. For me, it’s not so simple as I’ve spent countless hours accompanying the dying, wracked with pain, on journeys unimaginable and without human comprehension.

    So, I’m noting your postings are for the most part from 2015 and back. Are you planning to update your notes and summaries to reflect the current direction of JSM and SBN.

    With all due respect,

    Most sincerely,



    1. Hi Katie, Thanks for your comment. I commend you for your many years of service within The Salvation Army. I do hope JSM has not convinced you to forsake your local church. Concerning the term “Swaggarite” I do not apply that term to all who listen to Jimmy Swaggart, but to those who believe his is the only true church and who trust in his teaching more than in the scriptures.

      There are many good Christians that enjoy Swaggart’s preaching and music. Nevertheless there are some aberrant teachings coming from JSM that believers need to be aware of. In regard to “the current direction of JSM,” if JSM has recanted any of their errors, that would be a joyous answer to prayer. I would certainly want to reflect that on this website. Below are some of their doctrines that cult-watch groups have expressed concern over. If you have any links to video or writings from JSM where they have corrected these heterodox teachings, please let me know.

      1. The entire church world does not have the complete gospel. Jimmy Swaggart has received a special revelation from God that he says is “new to the Church.”[2] In this revelation Jimmy claims to have received “more light than the Church has previously known,”[3] and that his revelation sheds “more light on that which was originally given to Paul.”

      2. This special revelation, which he calls The Message of the Cross, is supposedly the key to living a victorious overcoming Christian life free from sin. Central to this revelation is the idea that the object of a Christian’s faith should be the cross alone, rather than in the Lord Jesus Christ. Swaggart claims that his revelation is “the true Gospel” and that his ministry alone has a mandate from God to reach the world with this restored Gospel.[4]

      3. No church, denomination, minister or teacher has this revelation except Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. Unless they learned of it through JSM, they do not have this secret information.[5]

      4. Swaggart claims that this revelation which he received from God is “the single most important material for the believer to know and understand.”[6]

      5. The Apostle Paul (and the other apostles) did not understand the cross and lived a defeated Christian life (for a time) while preaching the gospel. It seems that Jesus had neglected to pass this essential information on to his apostles. Consequently, they were overcome by sin until they also got this same revelation from God. (Apparently this revelation became lost throughout church history until God again revealed it to Jimmy Swaggart. Although Swaggart claims his revelation is Biblical, he never explains why it was never discovered by people just reading scripture.)

      6. Jimmy Swaggart visited prostitutes only because there was no one in the Church who could tell him of the lost revelation, consequently he had no means to resist sin. All Christians will be overcome with sin unless they heed his special revelation.

      7. All, or nearly all, churches, denominations, ministries, are of the devil, false, apostate and have abandoned Christ. The only exceptions seem to be JSM and those churches who acknowledge the preeminence of Jimmy Swaggart’s revelation. Their disdainful arrogant attitude towards other churches and ministries is evidenced on their television programs, which are often filled with vicious attacks upon other Christian denominations or ministries.

      8. Since most churches are false and don’t believe in Jimmy’s secret revelation, people are subtly encouraged to quit their church and join his online church and send their tithes in to JSM.

      9. God the Father has a body similar to a man’s body. God is not omnipresent. Jimmy says, “I believe His body is in one place at one time, wherever that may be.”

      10. Heaven is a planet in our universe which is in the direction “north.”

      11. Christians that don’t speak in tongues are “of little worth to the Kingdom of God.”

      12. Adam was not the first man.

      These strange teachings are usually not spoken of in their public broadcasts, but are buried in Swaggart’s magazine, books and his study Bible commentary. I would be so happy to see documentation of JSM recanting these errors.

      Thanks again for your comment. God bless,

      …Pastor Mark


      [1] For evidence of his teachings see article on this website: The Swaggart Bible at:

      [2] In Swaggart’s book, “Brother Swaggart Here is my Question About the Cross,” Swaggart says, “Considering that this message is new to the church…”


      [4] Jimmy Swaggart, The Evangelist, January 2004

      [5] See video at:

      [6] See video at:



  31. Pastor Mark, a few weeks ago I turned on Frances & Friends when her husband Jimmy was on the program. They have a lot of people who are dealing with depression who call their ministry for prayer. Anyway, Jimmy said that he has never had to deal with depression. I sent them an e-mail which they read on the air telling them that I really did not believe that Jimmy Swaggart has never been depressed in his life. I watched him on TV when he was crying after he was discovered having sex with prostitutes for most of his life. Tears were streaming down his face as he publicly confessed his sins. However, even after this public confession, he was pulled over by the police with a prostitute in his car.

    I have known a lot of truly born-again Christians in my life and have never met one who had not gone through a period of depression; several of them committed suicide.

    Even my husband, who is an ordained preacher went through two years of a deep, dark depression right after we got married. He went to the alter at church asking for prayer. I could do nothing to help him and actually considered getting a divorce.

    I, myself have gone through severe depression due to problems in my family, primarily with my adult children. Without going into detail, it was just one really bad situation after another until I started having panic attacks and had to get prescription tranquilizers to help stop the panic attacks. I did everything the Swaggarts say you are supposed to do to end depression. I literally laid face down on the floor begging God to take this away from me. I prayed constantly, I worshipped the Lord; I even kept a journal but nothing helped.

    I can give you a list of well-known preachers, evangelists and other people involved in Christian ministry who were so depressed that they checked themselves into mental institutions to get help.

    Frances and Friends racked me “over the coals” about my comments about depression. Donnie actually verbally attacked me for judging him. All I need, according to them is “the message of the cross”.

    My younger brother, who has been a born-again Christian for about 35 years, is going through a deep, dark depression now and no one knows what he is depressed about. He is a multi-millionaire, has a wife and 3 sons who adore him and a new grandson. His doctors have told him that there is nothing else that they can do for him. He also ended up in the emergency room several times due to panic attacks; he thought that he was having a heart attack.

    I would like to know what your opinion is regarding Christians who go through long periods of “clinical” depression.


    1. Hi Naomi, Suffering occasional depression is all part of living in a fallen world. Even Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane was so distressed that he sweated “great drops of blood.” We read, “Being in anguish he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” (Luke 22:44). Swaggart’s simplistic approach to things he doesn’t understand has caused trouble for many. Swaggart’s prescription for doing mental gymnastics about the cross won’t help anyone. Prayer, and sometimes medical help is of far more value.

      There are occasions where depression or panic attacks can be a direct attack from demons. Christians cannot be possessed, but they can be oppressed. I have laid hands on and prayed for people who suffered lifelong torment from panic attacks and seen them instantly, completely and permanently delivered. I would recommend a spirit-filled Christian counselor to anyone suffering with long-term depression or panic attacks.

      God Bless,

      Pastor Mark


  32. Pastor Mark, on Frances and Friends and on Insight, they have some very educated people, like John & Josh Rosenstern (Messianic Jews). They surely aren’t appearing on SBN TV for the money. They have lucrative jobs apart from whatever the Swaggarts pay them, if they pay them at all. I have sent e-mails to both of them over the past few years. I really cannot understand why they agree with everything Jimmy, Donnie or Frances say. Also, I know that Frances had to have known about her husband’s “proclivity” for prostitutes. She has said many times how sweet and tender-hearted he is. My guess is that she was willing to put up with his behavior because the amount of money he was making allowed her to live in the lap of luxury. I think that she has taken over the administrative part of the ministry. My husband is a retired ordained Southern Baptist preacher. Although God has been good to us financially, he never got rich pastoring churches; most of the time he had to hold down a full-time job and also remained in Air Force Reserve until he had to retire when he turned 60.


  33. Thank you for speaking the truth and shedding light on this ministry. I do not know what denomination of Christianity you practice, but it is extremely important for souls to know the truth! It takes courage and love of Our Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to step up like you have.
    God Bless You


  34. Hey Mark! Love your article “Soul Sleep Disproved”

    I’m writting an essay on the same topic and I posted on a forum asking for help and more texts that prove St. Paul was against it but someone replied saying “they couldn’t help me” since “most early church fathers were conditionalists” and linked me to this article:

    any help you can offer in the subject?
    I personally do not see how “conditionalism” has to be mandatory linked with pro soul sleep arguments. even the author of the article says that “conditionalism and naturalism today aren’t necessary the same concepts as they were back then”.

    Also I haven’t been through every single church father but funny enough I see Iraneus on the author’s list of “conditionalists” when Iraneus states “each class [of souls] receives a habitation such as it has deserved, even before the judgment.”


    1. Hi Gabriel, Thanks for your comment. I’m glad the article is helpful to you. The statement “most early church fathers were conditionalist” is patently false. Your quote from Iraneus is a great example of the early fathers denying soul sleep. I find it very interesting that so many people who espouse a false doctrine lay claim to the idea that the church fathers support them, when such is not the case. They find one quote from some early misguided Christian writer and then extrapolate that, saying that all the church fathers are with them. They count on the fact that most Christians don’t read the early fathers.

      God bless,

      …Pastor Mark


  35. Pastor Mark, Is there anything in your new book that you haven’t already discussed in this forum?


  36. I grew up at Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. Words cannot express the horrors that this man has inflicted on me and my family and continues to inflict on us.


  37. Hello, Mark.
    I was wondering if you know anything about Donnie’s divorce, 2nd marriage, 2nd divorce, and remarriage to his first wife.
    Thank you.


    1. Hi Dave, I really don’t know much more than what you have said, except to add that Donnie continued to be a minister at the Swaggart church while all those shenanigans were going on. Also, it should be noted that Jimmy Swaggart’s “new revelation” did not have the magical effect against sin that Swaggart says it does. It did not keep Donnie from adultery. Thanks for your inquiry, Dave. God bless,

      …Pastor Mark


  38. Hi Pastor Mark
    I was just wondering if you are going to allow people to comment on your info about masks? I do not want to be seen openly disagreeing with you on a social media site – the floodgates will open against you, or maybe me, and that won’t achieve anything. There is substantial evidence in UK and Europe and from the WHO that masks DO work. It is law here for people in indoor places. UK does not usually quickly make laws. It has nothing to do with party politics in any country.
    In normal circumstances I would never object to what people choose to wear. But another person deciding not to wear a mask puts me and others at risk of illness and death. This is NOT a Christian thing when someone acts with complete selfishness and causes harm to others. Apart from that angle, I don’t understand what it has to do with faith in terms of your website. Wearing a mask is not a cult. It is a means of protection of others. You are in a position of power because people listen to you. I listen to you. I would wear a mask to protect you and would hope it would be reciprocated. Hope you don’t mind me commentating. Thank you.


    1. Hi Frances, Although my website is primarily in regard to cults, I do have a section that deals with current issues that may or may not be related to cults. My recommendation (and the command of scripture) to all people is that they obey the law of land, unless that law is in conflict with God’s will as laid out in Holy Scripture. I myself wear a mask when in a public store, as that is required. Yet, I believe it is important that people not be given a false sense of security by the mask. People need to be informed that masks do not prevent them from getting the virus.

      My article points out that masks are not a total protection against the virus. If they were the virus would be gone by now. I point out the scientific reasons why masks have not stopped the virus. I also point out that the kind of masks people wear are not medical N95 masks, but just something made out of cloth. There are no scientific studies on homemade cloth masks, to my knowledge, that have shown that they are effective. That is why Dr. Fauci, one of the top virologists in the world, initially said they don’t work. My article also explains why it is that in America Democrats are much more eager to promote masks than Republicans are. Masks have become a political hot-potato and people deserve to know the medical facts about them and to understand why the Democrats are in favor of them.

      Doctor Jim Meehan, MD, a surgeon and preventive medicine specialist with over 20 years of experience and advanced training in immunology, inflammation, and infectious disease writes:

      “Surgical and cloth masks have repeatedly been shown to offer no benefit in the mitigation of transmission and infection caused by viruses like influenza and SARS-CoV-2. Which is exactly why they have never been recommended for use during the seasonal flu outbreak, epidemics, or previous pandemics.”

      I recommend you read his article on the lack of efficacy of masks and the dangers of wearing them. That article is here:

      I hope this clarifies the matter for you. God bless and thanks for commenting.

      …Pastor Mark


    2. Hi Frances, P.S. I just discovered that it is not allowing comments on that page. I was not aware of that. Now I discover that many pages are not allowing that, but some are. I don’t know why. I will have to figure it out and fix it. Glad you made me aware of it. Thanks and God bless

      …Pastor Mark


      1. Yes, I didn’t see the above until I’d finished writing the below. It seemed the responses were directed through Facebook and other social media. The discussions here are too personal for that medium and certainly not the business of my family and friends who would not understand. I’ve written this response already and thought I had posted it. Can’t find it now. No matter.
        Thankyou Pastor Mark


  39. Hi Pastor Mark
    Thankyou for your reply. I know that masks do not work 100%, but neither do any of the coming vaccines – only 90% we’ve been told, but surely it would be better to try to be one of the 90%. Same with masks.
    I absolutely agree with you about keeping the law, as long as it does not conflict with Scripture, of course. You have made me aware of that.
    I will read what you recommend as well as the WHO and other European research. I just feel it is better to err on the side of caution rather than do nothing. Its not a cultural thing – there are people here who agree with you. But they are the same people that go demonstrating in large groups, potentially spreading the virus and getting arrested. Fines for business owners that allow anyone to break the rules are now at £10.000. There are fines for individuals too. I can see what you mean about the false sense of security, eg. Going nearer to people because you’ve got a mask on. Its the other way round here though – those that wear the masks are the same people who observe the other rules, like social distancing.
    Its very difficult to understand your country’s political positions. We seem to be the other way around. It is the right and the far right here that are the rebels, with the UK PM playing it all down for so long that we have ended up with the highest rate of the virus in all Europe and the Fascist Farage setting up yet another party, this time to challenge everything our UK governments are doing to keep us safe. I’m not sure though its all about left/right. I am fairly sure Mr Bush would have worn a mask and kept the rules? Masks are not a party political issue here. In Scotland we are far more concerned about the UK PM breaking international law and isolating our country from Europe. Masks are becoming big business though – there are even Santa ones for Christmas, for adults.
    I may have reacted too quickly to your posting, but I understand what you are saying now, so thankyou for explaining to me.
    I’m still reading your website and noticing a large difference of relationship between religion and politics in our countries, but that’s for another time. Learning all the time though. I’ve just read the dialogue between you and a Swaggerite. Phew! Talk about having to go round in circles, don’t know how you had the patience.
    God be with you and stay safe.


  40. Hi Pastor Mark,
    Getting back to you re your views on facemasks.
    A randomized study at Copenhagen, published now and thought to be the the best study so far, found “no statistical evidence that masks offer any protection whatsoever”. Said to have been only 3 “real life” studies in Guinea Bissau, India and Denmark. All of them have shown masks to have no benefit in preventing Covid 19. The study at Copenhagen concludes there is “sufficient evidence to show that wearing masks in the community does not significantly reduce the rates of infection”. After a month of research, the study found 2.1% not wearing masks became infected and 1.8% wearing masks became infected, a difference “not statistically significant”. The results of the Danish study mirrors the findings of Flu research. All of this was published in the Spectator today.
    However, with a background in social science, I would want to know about the control of other significant factors, like social distancing, whether indoors or outdoors, underlying health disorders and so forth. If there was good control of influential factors and there may well have been, I concede that your views on masks are correct.
    There is just one factor, however, that I feel is important, that of source control in that masks have been said to “dramatically reduce the risk to others if the mask wearer is already infected”. People who know they are infected should not be out in the first place. Unfortunately, there are those who are too selfish to care. The other factor is that one can have Covid for up to 2/3 weeks and not know they have it. However, even though the mask wearer may not be protected at all, the fact that their mask might protect other people, surely to wear a mask to protect others would be the Christian position?
    Since you inform that masks are a political issue in USA, I feel obliged to comment. Coming from UK, this is not something I can understand. I grew up in London at a time when the underlying principle about America was “we are you and you are us”. It is painful to see America so divided. It is heart-breaking to see so many of you unprotected and dying. Please come back together and get on with living, not fighting.
    There is no doubt that the UK love Joe Biden already, so I have an interesting proposition. Send him over here to look after us and we will give you Boris! No one in Scotland wants him anywhere near us. (I am joking of course, I would not inflict Boris on countries who are our worst enemies, let alone on our closest allies).


  41. What is your opinion about the SDA Church? Where I live the SDA has started a daily radio program which appears to be evangelical in some of its programs, but slips in from time to time E.G.White teachings. These seem to revolve around the Sabbath, prophecy, health.


    1. Hi Karl, Thanks for your question. The Seventh Day Adventist Church is a borderline cult. Some cult-watch groups class it as a cult, while others class it as a Christian church with cult-like tendencies. I have known some Adventists who were clearly born again. The problem with Adventism is the emphasis they put upon keeping the Old Testament law. They are what theologians call Judaizers as described in Acts 15:1. They teach salvation in Jesus, but also that you must keep the law of Moses. Adventists believe that worshipping God on Sunday is the mark of the beast. I wrote a book (unpublished) on Adventism 30 years ago. I am currently reworking it and will publish it. I will let you know when it is available. The definitive work on Adventism was written by D.M. Canright, an ex-Adventist. I highly recommend his book, which was first published in the early nineteen hundreds. It is entitled Seventh Day Adventism Renounced. It is available in Kindle and paperback. Here is a link:
      God bless!

      …Pastor Mark


  42. My question is one that has been bugging me for a while and I can not figure it out, so I will ask you.
    When did Satan fall? Was the serpent Satan? ….. If the serpent was Satan, then He was already here when Adam and Eve were formed, because of Satan tempting Eve.
    Satan was cast out of Heaven by God….My question is when? How long were Adam and Eve created before the temptation?
    There had to be a long time because Satan and his angels were cast to earth, and it had to be before Adam and Eve were on earth.
    Thank You,
    Charles Welch <


    1. Hi Charles, We don’t know when exactly Satan fell, other than we know it was before the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden. The serpent was a simple creature, a creation of God that Satan possessed for his evil purpose. It is not important for us to know exactly when Satan was cast out of heaven. If it was, then the Bible would tell us. I hope this helps.

      God bless,

      …Pastor Mark


  43. Hugo Yliniemi
    Swaggart expositor’s 1 Tim 3:2 says about the qualifications (these are qualities, and not qualifications as some claim). Mine bibles in captions call them qualifications. Changing qualifications to qualities makes Jimmy look like he is qualified. He knows he isn’t qualified according to 1 Tim 3:2, so he willingly rewrites the sacred words of the bible. Rev 22:18-19 I testify to everyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. Thankfully, he does get some people saved, but it doesn’t qualify him to be pastor or church leader, according to 1 Tim 3:2. Jimmy needs to repent for rewriting the bible.


  44. Mark:
    The first part did not post. It should have preceded the above: How do I do this?

    After YOUR posting on a Facebook page, I am REQUESTING to email you privately.

    THE SECOND PART (per above)
    How do I do this?


    1. Answer one question so we all may understand where you are coming from. Please answer without embellishment be clear. Are you Kale Aluli, as has been claimed the second coming of Christ?


  45. Thank you for your info. On the
    Swaggers. I am a born again Christian, & started watching SBN
    A few yrs ago, I noticed how stern
    They are, & do not act compassionate to most people. I
    Purchased some cds music from
    Them & Jimmys Book on Revelation
    I read some of it and have sense put
    It away as it is not what Bible says


  46. Hi Pastor Mark! I am still a little confused with all of this. So I ordered your book “Swaggartism The Strange Doctrines of Jimmy Swaggart.” I read MOST of it, and it made me SICK to my stomach. I also visited the site by Mishel McCumber and read about the “Printing Scandal.” Are they STILL doing that? And since you are in the realm of EXPOSING false teachers, why haven’t you did any articles on Joyce Meyer????? She is Word of Faith and teaches that Jesus died spiritually and was the “born again” individual! She also follows the Dake Bible mentality! I used to read her books until I found her out! Our ministry ALSO researches false teachers. We have a LONG LIST of them! If you would like to compare them, I would not mind! But back to Jimmy….I am sadden that this is what it is! I have a question….I have his Bible, what do I do with it???? I would, as a pastor, feel uneasy throwing it away in the trash. So what would you recommend? I also have a lot of his books and about 5 of his commentaries. How should I get rid of them so others don’t get them in their spirit? I am just broken because I thought he was real….I am an associate pastor of a church as well as have my own outreach ministry. I watched SBN from time to time. My family grew up with the Swaggarts. This is SO HEART BREAKING Pastor Mark!!!! I need your prayers because this is a blow that I was NOT expecting. Your book was a SHOCKER!!!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND others to get it!!!!! Sorry this is so long. But I am HURTING because this is like losing a mentor!!! I hope you understand!!!! I will be praying for THEM!!!! Thank you for all of this. At first, I was mad at you for all of this. But then I was thanking the Lord that you have the COURAGE to speak UP and expose false doctrine, no matter who!!! God Bless you Pastor Mark! Please respond to me!!! In His Service! Pastor Tim


    1. Hi Pastor Tim, Thanks for reading my book. Yes, it is all pretty shocking. Concerning the printing scandal, I am not sure, but I think when the printing scandal was exposed they stopped it. Concerning Joyce Meyer, your allegations are very serious. The Word of Faith movement is laced with false teaching and the crazy idea that Jesus died spiritually and was born again is nuts. I agree with you on that. And yes, the Dake’s Bible has a number of false teachings in it. Could you please provide me with some documentation showing me that Joyce Meyer is teaching these things? I am not doubting you, I just need to see some proof in order to present it on my website.

      Back to Swaggart: As far as his books that you have, if you have room, just store them away and let them collect dust. They are useful for showing others the false teachings he promotes. Though, if you do decide to discard them, I see no sin in that. The paper of the Bible is not sacred. The message it contains is. In the first century when a copy was made of an apostle’s letter, when the original became tattered and faded, it was destroyed, as the copy was considered the most reliable and readable. The point being, the early church did not consider it sacrilegious to discard scriptural documents that were corrupted by the wear and tear of time. Indeed, it is well that we do not have the original autographs, for they would no doubt be worshipped by some. So, when scripture is corrupted by a false teacher with bad commentary, I see nothing wrong with disposing of it, if you so choose. Those are my thoughts, but of course, follow your conscience.

      I can relate to your grieving. When Swaggart first fell I grieved as well. And I am still sad for Swaggart. At the close of my book I have a prayer for Jimmy. You might take a look at that, if you have not seen it. My heart breaks for him. How I wish he would repent! Maybe he will. I pray for this. In the mean time, we must do what we can to protect people from his false teaching and mean-spirited ways.

      God bless you Pastor Tim, and thank you for writing. If I can be of any further help, I am at your service. May God richly bless you in your ministry.

      God bless,

      Pastor Mark


  47. I will not comment on the correctness or incorrectness of Jimmy Swaggart’s interpretation of scripture. I believe his comment on Paul maybe based on Romans 7:19-25. In the interest of being short and to the point I will only list the first verse below.

    19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.

    I used to listen to Jimmy Swaggart and can only say I was sorry when the scandal, which was obviously true, ruined his ministry. It may not have changed his ability to make money but his lifestyle ruined his ministry.

    We should be very careful of how we teach our children to view church leaders. All men, to include those in leadership positions, are sinners save by Jesus. Being leaders does not make them infallible. Leaders are owed respect but not blind faith.


    1. Hi Maggie, Thank you for commenting. Swaggart’s teaching goes well beyond Romans 7:19. Even Jimmy Swaggart admits this, for he says that no one has ever discovered his “Message of the Cross” teaching until it was revealed to him by special revelation. I have an article called Is it a Cult? You can find it here:

      In that article is a video where you can hear Jimmy himself make the cultic statement that his teaching is found nowhere except where it comes from him. Since everyone has the teaching of Romans 7:19, this means that his teaching is not merely that which is found in Romans 7:19. It is something more than that or everyone would have it.

      I completely agree with you that we must teach our children to view church leaders from a biblical perspective. That perspective includes the understanding of the priesthood of all believers, that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ and we should not give inordinate reverence to leaders. Respect, yes. Reverence, no.

      We should also understand that there are not New Testament apostles or Old Testament prophets living today. The Bible is our only infallible guide. We should also understand that Jesus warned us to beware of false teachers and Jude adjured us to “Contend earnestly for the faith that was once for all time handed down to the saints.” (Jude 1:3 NASB) Our Lord also taught us that we should recognize false teachers by their lifestyle, telling us we would “know them by their fruits.” Scripture teaches us to “judge all things” and that when any ministry person speaks, that the church should “judge when the prophets speak.” (1 Corinthians 14:29).

      I agree with you that our leaders are owed respect but not blind faith. However, when they cross the line by teaching false doctrines and live lives of unrepentant sin, then we should call them out as false teachers. To criticize, expose and condemn others is not a pleasant task; but when religious teachers enthrone error, and mislead honest people, silence would be unkind and censurable.

      I recommend you read my article Thou Shalt Not Judge. It is found here:

      Most people do not realize the extent of Swaggart’s false teaching, as he keeps most of it well hidden from his television audience. The worst of it is found in his writings. Here is another article that illustrates how Swaggart teaches that salvation is only found by following him.

      God bless,
      Pastor Mark


  48. Hello Pastor Mark, would like to know how to best expose these type ministries for the lies they spread every time they open their mouths. Have experienced it first hand, at an Ag Church here in Texas. My wife and I have been there almost 9 years. The last couple of years, I kept noticing slips of the tongue from our Pastor. Very subtle at first, then about two months I was the podium on Sunday morning. There it was the JS red letter edition Bible. I ran the sound system, and she sang with the worship team. We left the following week. We’re heart broken. Not sure what to do at this point, but Wait Upon the Lord. Any input would be greatly appreciated. I have your book and have gone through it a couple of times. It’s truly a eye and mind opener. Keep up the good work, Be blessed.


    1. Hi Mike, I feel your pain. That is really sad that an AG pastor is not aware of the false doctrines coming from Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. The fact of the matter is, there is a great amount of variation in AG churches. Many are rock solid, but some, not so much. It depends on who the pastor is. I would recommend giving the pastor a copy of my book Swaggartism.

      As far as how to get the word out? Sharing this website on social media and getting others to share it will help. And of course getting my book in the hands of more people will help. Concerning your pastor, in addition to giving him the book, you might also point him to this link on my website as that page lists about six other cult watch websites that warn about Swaggart. You also might point out the letter from the Christian Research Institute (CRI) which points out Swaggart’s error on the Trinity. CRI is the premier cult watch organization and is highly respected by ministers around the world. The link to that letter is here:

      You might ask your pastor if he believes that God has a body, is not omnipresent, and lives on a planet somewhere to the north. You might also ask him if he believes anyone who doesn’t speak in tongues is of little worth in the Kingdom of God. I am sure he will say he does not believe such nonsense. Then you can ask him why he has Swaggart’s Bible on the podium – a book which does teach those things.

      God bless,

      Pastor Mark


  49. Pastor Mark, doing some more research into the cross teachings ?
    Do you have any more information, on the Cross brand church, that J.S. Ministeries tried to start and promote. Thanks in advance, keep up the good work.
    Mike Moree


    1. Hi Mike, Swaggart’s cross churches that are affiliated with Jimmy Swaggart Ministries are officially called World Evangelism Fellowship (WEF) churches. The website for applying for either church affiliation or ordination through Swaggart is here:

      They don’t seem to advertise this much and I have never heard them mention it on a program. I have not been able to find any website where one can find cross churches. There is no church finder link on the WEF website. My guess is they would prefer people sending tithes to them and just watching them online rather than have people be affiliated with a local church, as then they would lose the income from them.

      Thanks for the encouraging word. God bless,

      Pastor Mark


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