Jimmy Swaggart Ministries

To see the list of articles on Swaggartism, click the down arrow (v) to the right of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries in the menu.

Unknown to many people is the fact that Jimmy Swaggart Ministries espouses a number of false doctrines that are dangerous to the body of Christ. Typically these are not expressed openly on their television broadcasts but are promulgated through their newsletter, books, and Bible commentary. It is for that reason that many cult-watch groups have issued warnings or concerns about their ministry.

There are several articles on this site that deal with these doctrinal concerns as well as some recent financial and ethical scandals within the ministry. See the table of contents on the left (or top if you are on a smart phone) for the list of articles. It is suggested that you begin with the first article on the top of the list which is entitled Forgiveness for the Fallen. Please read that article first.

Here is a direct link to the first article:


Books by Mark Swarbrick…

Swaggartism, Jimmy Swaggart Prostitute, Jimmy Swaggart House, Swaggart false prophet, false teacher, Jimmy Swaggart Net WorthFor more information on Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, get my book, Swaggartism: The Strange Doctrines of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, available now on Amazon in paperback, Kindle eBook, and audio book, starting at only $6.99. For information click HERE.

Available in Paperback and Kindle eBook – 266 pages of documented facts! 


Evolution Exposed: The Biblical and Scientific Evidence against Evolution

Author Mark Swarbrick unequivocally and convincingly illustrates the intrinsic incongruity between evolution and biblical Christianity. 

275 pages of truth! Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book.  Only $6.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 

Real Science vs Evolution: The Scientific Evidence against Evolution

Real Science vs Evolution offers a succinct analysis outlining why evolution, in its divergence from established scientific laws, fails to align with the foundational principles of genuine scientific inquiry. 

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $3.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 

Seventh-Day Adventism Examined: A Concise Summary of Adventism’s Unbiblical Doctrines

Author Mark Swarbrick meticulously dissects the myriad of false teachings within Adventism, contrasting these interpretations with scriptural truth. 

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $3.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


The Pre-Trib Rapture: Biblical Truth of the Blessed Hope

In his book, The Pre-Trib Rapture, author Mark Swarbrick meticulously outlines the extensive biblical support for a Pre-Trib Rapture, emphasizing the deliverance of the Church before the onset of the impending Tribulation period.

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $3.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Hidden History: The Untold Story of the Democratic Party

The political narrative in America has transcended the realm of politics to become a battle between the forces of good and evil. It is essential that all Christians are informed on the anti-Christian direction of the Democratic Party.

200 pages of factual history! Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $3.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


The Covid Conspiracy: The Cure for Covid and the Plot to Hide it from the World

The Covid Conspiracy tells the incredible story of diabolical collusion between multinational drug companies, governmental regulatory agencies, and unscrupulous politicians.

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


The Carnivore Diet: The Science, the Promise, and the Pitfalls

Author Mark Swarbrick thoroughly explains the diet, telling of his experiences with it and how it has radically improved his health in a short amount of time. One chapter deals with the current war on meat and what the Bible has to say about those who forbid eating meat.
Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Heavenly Miracles: True Stories of Supernatural Intervention

When the author saw how demons flee at the name of Jesus, his growing faith resulted in numerous miracles in his life and ministry. 

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


King James Onlyism: Is the KJV the Best Bible Version?

KJV Onlyists have troubled the hearts of many a Christian and have split churches in half. Controversy, factions, and strive are their forte. No doubt, they are sincere, but they are sincerely wrong.

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


End of Days: What the Bible Says Happens Next

Within the pages of this book, you will find sound biblical exegesis of end-time prophecy. With careful historical analysis and fresh insight, the author reveals previously unknown prophetic fulfillments that transpired during World War II. 

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 –Click HERE to purchase eBook or Audio Book. To purchase paperback, click HERE.


The Hidden Truth about Catholicism

If you are a Catholic this book is for you. With loving respect, this book gives a detailed account of the history of Catholicism with an in-depth analysis of Catholic teachings.

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon.


Life after Death: What Happens When We Die?

A refutation of soul sleep, the idea that people are unconscious or nonexistent until God raises their bodies from the dead at the resurrection.

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon.



Mormonism Examined: The Bizarre History and Unbiblical Doctrines of Mormonism

This is not an anti-Mormon rant, but a thoughtful analysis of Mormonism in the light of the Holy Bible and historic Christian doctrine.

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $4.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Truly Amazing: The Real Story of Adam and Eve

Children get bombarded with confusion about gender, marriage, and evolution at a very young age. This book shows what God has to say on these crucial matters. This book is a creation story for kids that explains the creation and the fall in an interesting way that children can relate to. 

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $2.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Global Warming: Socialism in Disguise

In “Global Warming Examined,” Mark Swarbrick compellingly illustrates how genuine scientific data contradicts the prevalent political narrative of an imminent climate crisis. Drawing on insights from esteemed scientists, he dismantles the fallacious belief in man-made global warming as a cataclysmic threat.
Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $3.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon.


Beyond Redemption: Love and Longing in the Old West  (Book 1)

A thrilling historical western and romance packed with Gospel truth. A perfect gift for someone you want to share the Gospel with. Here is what one reader said about Beyond Redemption:

THIS READ IS A GRIPPING JOURNEY back in time to the rugged Wild West, where love, justice, and redemption entwine in a tale that will leave you captivated. Author Mark Swarbrick skillfully weaves historical detail into this action-packed narrative, giving readers an authentic and suspenseful experience. The story revolves around Cal Chandler, an unlikely outlaw forced into a life of crime, and his love for Jessica Lorena McKenzie, a devout Christian, creating a captivating clash of faiths and emotions. For fans of historical depth, “Beyond Redemption” is a must-read that brings the people of the Wild West to life as they truly were.” — Jerry Rubenstein

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $6.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Beyond Redemption: War & Peace in the Old West  (Book 2)

The Second Book in the Beyond Redemption series. How the characters prayerfully deal with their challenges is a testament to the changing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $9.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Other books by Pastor Mark Swarbrick, click the image below…

The Expositors Study Bible, Jimmy Swaggart Study Bibles, The Expositor's Study BibleThe Expositors Study Bible, Jimmy Swaggart Study Bibles, The Expositor's Study BibleThe Expositors Study Bible, Jimmy Swaggart Study Bibles, The Expositor's Study Bible



  1. I do not see anything about the Swaggarts the way you see them. I have listened to them and I have listened to the Message of the Cross.
    I do not know why people like you make it their life’s work to tear down another brother in Christ.
    I want to know one thing do you believe Jimmy Swaggart is saved?


    1. Hi Doris – Thanks for your comment. It is my life’s work to “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.” (Jude 1:3). It is scriptural to point out doctrinal errors that are publically proclaimed by false teachers. I would encourage you to look at this article: https://christiananswerman.com/judging-exposing-error-and-naming-names/ and also at this video: https://christiananswerman.com/what-if/ It is out of love and concern for others that I devote myself to this, for I have seen first hand the spiritual and emotional damage that can come from Swaggartism. Please take the time to view the articles on this site and prayerfully ask God to show you if you have been led astray. Since you feel it is wrong to “tear down another brother in Christ,” I suggest you review my article entitled Swaggart Judges Christian Ministers found here: https://christiananswerman.com/swaggart-attacks-christian-ministers/ and ask yourself why you do not scold Jimmy Swaggart for his defamation of other ministers, a charge he has been found guilty of in a court of law. You are in my prayers as you follow Christ. I hope you will read and consider carefully the articles on this site. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

      …Pastor Mark


  2. Thanks for your reply. Just to let you know a little about me and the manner in which I found this website &my salvation. My huband and I were saved in 1991, 2 weeks apart. We were saved and attended & became members of a Southern Baptist Church. We were both slaves to drugs and alcohol, however, a person could not tell by looking at us. When we got saved we were both immediately delivered from the above-mention sins and enslavement.
    I was raised by Godly, born again parents and my husband was a child of an alcoholic and an enabler.
    At any rate, I knew the Word of God from a child. My dad was a soul winner on his own(as he called himself…..a preacher in shoes).
    I was not all that familiar with Jimmy Swaggart until he had his problems in the late 80’s. No matter what his problems were, I still believe he has won thousands to the Lord Jesus.
    I want you to know that I am a follower of Jesus the Christ and not a man or an organization or a denomination. I consider myself to be a person that checks out what I am told by the Word to make sure I believe it is TRUTH. I attempt to try the spirits by what the Word of God teaches. I do stick to the KJV of the Bible , I stay away from the other versions. As I said in a prior comment, a word like FOR can change the entire meaning of a passage.
    There is a woman on another website(which shows I have attempted to find info on the Swaggarts) named T.Heim, this person gave me your website.
    At any rate, I will read the info you linked. No matter what. I give time, Money and talents to The Lord not a man and I believe the Lord looks upon the heart of a person . Not WHAT they do, but WHY they do what they do.


    1. Hi Doris – So glad to hear you have an open mind, as the Berean’s, “who searched the scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.” This site is for you. I hope you find it a help. God bless you as you walk with Jesus.

      Pastor Mark


  3. I believe Jesus died on the cross for out sins and rose three days later and he’s coming back soon. I believe Jesus paid for our sins when he gave his life on the cross. All things are possible for those who believe. I believe when you put your faith in the finished work of the cross and Get saved then all things become new all the old passes away. So we are Resurrected with Christ. Then we get Babtisted with water. In the book of acks it tells us about being Filled with the Holy Spirit leads and guides us in all truth. After we’re saved and get babtisted with warter for remission of our sin’s then were to get filled with the Holy Spirit as the of the Lord gives the utterance. You will feel words that you don’t understand coming from the uttermost part of your being. You have to yeild totally and you will start speaking in other toungs as the spirit of the lord gives the utterance. The Holy spirit helps us to walk right and live Right. He’s our conferter and concealer. He’ll help you and when he come in he will never leave you. Unless you say I don’t want you anymore..That’s something you don’t want to do. Because the Holy spirit leads us and guides us in all truth. He will always lead you to the word of God. He lives inside of you. He’s who convict’s you before you get saved. The finished work of the cross is the answer you seek.When you put your faith in the Finished work of the cross .and get saved your set free from sins and the law of death And set free from bondages and we’re healed bye the strips of Jesus.Then the sin nature doesn’t have dominion over you any more. We’re human and we all fall short to the Glory of God.IF you mess up ask for forgiveness. We all do stupid little things .We’re to say the Lords pray everyday. After your filled with the Holy spirit. Pray in touges .The message of the cross is the answer to every problem we have. Pray exsepting to be healed and you will be faith moves mountains. After your Reborn like the Bible says ask and you shall Receive.There’s nothing we can do to earn or way to heaven. If your church has Rules or are still in the law leave that church. Churches that tell you you can’t wear makeup or cut your hair. Or wear long dresses is still in the law. Of cource we’re surpose to cover our self’s but some churches go over board..I was Raised bye a penocoastal preacher. Who changed before he died. He said if its not in the Bible its not right. They went all over the world preaching the Gospel and took and interpreter. My Grandpa


    1. My Grandparents loved Jimmy Swaggart. When that happened in the eighty’s. I ask Grandpa what he thought about Jimmy Swaggart now. He said God forgave him and so do I we all fall short to the Glory of God that’s why you better ask for forgiveness of your sins every night because know one is perfect that walked the face of the earth exsept Jesus Christ. I love the Swaggarts they have taught me a lot. SBN is the Church for The world.


      1. Hi Angie, please read all the articles on the site regarding Swaggart and watch the video, The Swaggart Seduction. Then you can inform your grandparents that Jimmy continued in sin after his televised repentance show. I was pastoring an Assembly of God church when Swaggart got caught the first time. I told my congregation the same thing, that if he had repented we must forgive him. However, he continued in sin, showing he had not truly repented and turned from his sin, for he was caught with prostitutes two more times after that. Since getting caught with the last prostitute in the mid 90s he did not repent, but arrogantly told his church, “God told me it is none of your business.” Forgiveness does not come without repentance. Furthermore, there is the continued sin of his viscous Demagoguery of nearly all churches except his and then there is also the matter of him spreading false doctrines.

        …Pastor Mark


        1. Greetings Mark, you stated Swaggart was caught with prostitutes two more times” after the first time. I am aware of only 1988 and then 1991, I didn’t know it three times he was caught, can you give me the third time date.

          Reverend James Linville


          1. Hi James, In 1995 Swaggart was caught again when he was pulled over by police in a red-light district. He was stopped for suspicion of soliciting prostitutes, but was not charged. Pornographic magazines were found by police under his seat. As I recall, in the Swaggart Seduction Video on this site there is a clip of the officer involved in the stop speaking about this.

            …Pastor Mark

    2. Hi Angie, Thank you for your comment. If Jimmy Swaggart taught what you just said, there would be little to disagree with. Hopefully if you read all the articles on this site you will realize that he goes way beyond what you said. I would point out to you however that nowhere does the Bible tell us, “put your faith in the finished work of the cross.” Rather it instructs us to put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross for the remission of our sins. That is the proper balance and emphasis – our living relationship with Christ. God Bless,

      …Pastor Mark


  4. Swaggart can be forgiven,but he should not be a Pastor. Pastors are to be without reproach ( scandal). Not without human sin,but without SCANDAL. He should step down,be IN the church,but not the Pastor.


  5. Pastor Mark,
    I watched Jimmy Swag sing The Anchor Holds. He’s very good at what he does. I can see why people are attracted. Can you explain in a basic way how his belief system differs from mainstream Christianity? Has he got somethinh wrong, but doesn’t know it?
    Toward the end of the song, Donnie comes out talking what seems to me, a load of gibberish. Is he talking in tongues or rhyming off a rehearsed speech that doesn’t mean anything? Thankyou.


    1. Hi Frances, thank you for your question. Yes, you are right. Jimmy Swaggart is a silver tongued orator and a talented musician. If it wasn’t for that, no one would listen to his heresies. There are lots of articles on this site that explain what is wrong with Swaggartism. I suggest you start with this one:


      Jimmy Swaggart Ministries is a Christian cult that has many unorthodox teachings. They teach that Jimmy Swaggart has been given a new revelation from God that is greater than anything the church has ever had before and that this revelation actually is the gospel. They teach that all other churches besides JSM are false and do not have the true gospel. Only JSM and those who follow them are the one true church. I recommend reading all the articles on this website to get a thorough understanding of all they do and teach.

      Concerning what Donnie did after the song, since I have not seen that video, I can’t say. If you have a link to it I would be happy to check it out. He may have been speaking in tongues, something that is not to be done in open service except there be an interpretation. (1 Corinthians 14:27). Jimmy Swaggart teaches in his commentary in his Expositor’s Study Bible that unless you speak in tongues “you are of little worth in the kingdom of God.”

      God bless and thanks for commenting,

      …Pastor Mark


      1. Thankyou Pastor Mark. I first saw the song on Freesat Sonlife Channel. I live in Scotland. But you can see the whole performance if you go to YouTube and put Jimmy Swaggart The Anchor Holds in the search box. Several versions come up – the one you want is where it shows the women singing so just click on that. It is rather good. Towards the end when JS is at the piano, out comes Donnie and he starts speaking a sort of Spanish/Italian, only it isn’t. While he’s working up the crowd, JS has gone back to his seat next to his missus and then Donnie shouts at him to continue and he starts singing it all over again. I can’t understand why the congregation are crying, shaking, etc. Towards the end, you see Gabriel sitting on the steps crying into his handkerchief. I think Donnie then refers to something “that has happened here this morning”. That might only be on the TV version. I assume they think God has “visited”. Have a look if you get time and see what you think. Of course the song itself is very well known. Even Elvis did a recording of it. I like the music, but not sure I would go to a church where everyone is crying ,etc.
        Thanks Frances


        1. Hi Frances, I watched the video. Donnie Swaggart is speaking in tongues, a gift of the Spirit mentioned often in the New Testament. However, the Swaggarts do not exercise it according to biblical parameters. There are specific limitations placed upon speaking in tongues in public services. Paul wrote,

          “I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. Nevertheless, in church I would rather speak five words with my mind in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue…Brothers, do not be children in your thinking…If, therefore, the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues, and outsiders or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are out of your minds? …If any speak in a tongue, let there be only two or at most three, and each in turn, and let someone interpret. But if there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in church and speak to himself and to God…For God is not a God of confusion but of peace…” (1 Corinthians 14:18-20,23,27,28,33)

          Donnie’s speaking in tongues in public service with no interpretation is disobedience to the instructions of the Apostle Paul. I agree with your reaction. Worship is a joyous thing. They have turned it into a crying spree. My impression of the entire service is that it is overwrought with emotionalism.

          God Bless,

          …Pastor Mark


          1. Thankyou Pastor Mark. I will read the literature you suggest and see what I make of it.

          2. Hi Pastor Mark
            I was watching JS a few nights ago and was concerned at a couple of things he said. The first was that he commented that some well-known American person had just committed suicide. I do not know who it was. JS then quite calmly stated, “he’s in Hell now” and “there are no unbelievers in Hell, but they’ve left it too late”. This would not be the belief of the church I was born into. Nowadays, it is understood that people who kill themselves are likely suffering from a mental illness, like depression, which has a biological cause and that God would know this and the dead person would get well again in Heaven. What do you think? The second thing JS said was that we must always be kind and respectful toward people of other religions (well of course), but we should not have them as friends. Surely this can’t be right. I thought that was the whole point of the Samaritan story. In my circle, I have friends who are Christians of many denominations, as well as Moslem, Hindu, Sikh, and Atheist. I just can’t imagine that I would end my friendship with any of them because of what they believed or did not believe. In Scotland, multi-faith relationships are encouraged by our Scottish Government and by our various religious institutions. Surely to love our brother/sister, we have to first understand them. That’s not going to happen in a socially apartheid situation.
            However, I still love all the music and can’t see anything wrong in it and not everything he says is wrong. As far as I am aware JS left school at a very early age and was never formally trained as a minister, so he has had to work things out for himself, which maybe why he gets things wrong sometimes. I would say misguided, rather than deliberately bad.
            Another thing I wondered about is that whilst merchandise is not particularly expensive on his website, the shipping price is extortionate. Would that be the case generally? Thanks, Frances

  6. How can Jimmy Swaggart say in his red letters that habitual sin means you’re not saved when his sin was a 28 year long ordeal? Also, I have a ESB from a relative who gave it to me as a gift. In reading it, I too felt it odd how he says ‘should have been translated’ and things like that as well. I also wondered how the holy spirit could reveal scripture to me while his take is stuck right in the midst of the word of God. Like you said, it all but forces you to read his expository writings and interrupts the reading of the word.


  7. Pastor Mark
    I have looked around your website and have become a bit concerned about some of your views about Catholicism. I answered you somewhere, but I put it in a different place, so you might not have seen it.
    You state that JS Ministries have cult like features such as headed by a single charismatic leader who is popular with the masses and you liken this to the Pope, one of many reasons you are Anti-Catholic. Okay, so the church I was born into is also headed by a single popular leader who could, I suppose, be called charismatic. So are you going to insult Queen Elizabeth now, who heads the second largest denomination in the world?
    Someone writes in to say they have joined a Catholic church and you tell them you hope they find a good Protestant church soon. So you do exactly what you say JS does – believing only your way is the right way.
    The word Protestant means to protest and I very much doubt that Jesus set up a church in order to protest against others – this is a very bad basis for a religion. If you look to history, you will see that Protestantism was set up by a brutal, cruel nutcase of a King so that he could divorce wives he got fed up with, which was apparently less bother than cutting their heads off. And from that time on, religion became an enormous excuse for people conflicting and killing each other in order to “protest” the other’s views. Is this what Jesus wanted? When Jesus said we should love each other, I do not recall that he went on to say, “but only if they think the same as you do”
    You say that JS makes many errors in his understanding of Christianity, but you are doing the same thing. I respect you having different views from me, but only when you correctly understand the view you disagree with. I can give many examples, but I’ll pick one as an illustration. You state that Catholics pray to dead people. Absolute rubbish! Catholics are not praying to Mary or the Saints – they are asking them to pray for them; it is an intercession and no different from me asking you or another living person to pray for me.
    You are also mistaken about the use of the cross in JS Ministries. I am saying this as a matter of understanding not because I am supporting JS. JS is not objectifying the cross. He does not say “taking the cross to the world”, he says “taking the message of the cross to the world”. He is sometimes using the term “cross” as a shortened form to get his point across quickly. It is the same as you saying to someone in the festive season, “Happy Christmas”, which I am sure you do. You do not go up to people and say ” I am wishing Jesus a happy birthday because this was the day we believe he was born” I think you are interpreting statements far too literally, what I would call “autistic thinking” (just a categorisation of thought, no offence intended).
    I believe my country, although it has many faults, are world leaders in terms of anti-discriminatory practice and acceptance of others. This is particularly the case in Scotland where I live. After all, God made all the other people too, not just those practicing evangelical fundamentalism in the southern states of America. Some of the things you say would be illegal in the UK and you could get arrested. Like the USA, we believe in freedom of speech, but this has to be balanced with not expressing views in such a way as to cause harm and offence to others, resulting in a hate crime. If we lose sight of this balance and keep criticising people of different faiths and religious beliefs, we descend into Hell on Earth – the Inquisition, slavery, the slaughter of the American indigenous peoples, the Holocaust, Isis and so on and so on. God is not going to destroy the earth. It is humankind that will do that. Frances.


  8. Hi Pastor Mark
    I know you don’t have time to reply at the moment and that’s okay, but just wanted to point out something. Last night I watched the Swaggart sermon, well it was the early hours of the morning here. So from late on 14/9 to early on 15/9. I don’t know what time it would have been in Louisiana. I would suggest you might want to watch it to verify what I am telling you.
    JS explained very clearly that “I am not talking about that old wooden beam, that was just the means. Its what happened at the cross, what Jesus did there. The cross is only the means”. Twice last week, JS made similar comments about the cross, though not so detailed. This is exactly what I have always understood him to mean and what I have said above. I do not think this stems from him changing his mind. I think he has become aware that people – possibly you and others – are misunderstanding him. He has now clearly stated that his understanding of the cross is the same mainstream view of others, like yourself.
    I also think when he talks about other churches/other preachers, he is not being personal. He is talking about church as a concept. Church as we know it will pass away when Jesus comes back. Is this not somewhere in the bible? He is not denouncing other denominations; he is stating we can all find God and “be saved”, by confessing Jesus, regardless of where we attend church, or whether we attend at all, or in his words….”I don’t care who you are or what your situation”. He means everyone is acceptable if they do what God expects. Thus, he is being non-denominational, as is God. I think this is evidenced when he states that whilst all are welcome, he also states he is not asking anyone to join his church.
    When he talks about this again, I will note it and pass it on to you.
    I don’t really understand “speaking in tongues”. It is not something we do in mainstream UK churches. If it is needed as “evidence”, we are not going to do very well here. I don’t understand the concept of being “saved” either. Only faiths that originated in the States seem to talk of this. I understand it is something that happens in Pentecostal churches, but I have never been inside one and have never met anyone from the Assemblies of God. I am not criticising the concept, or your country. I just don’t really get it, but would be willing to listen when you have time


  9. Dear Brother Mark,

    I hope this finds you and yours well in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    I hardly know where to start here and to be honest I am afraid of what I think. I do not fear for myself per se, but for Jimmy. Although I must say, that I, in some sense am afraid of what I think.

    I have watched Jimmy since before in infamous fall back in 88, 91 and 95 too from what I hear. I have listened/watched SBN, more intently now, for a good 5 years or more and have come to some scary conclusions.

    One of them is that I always though that his staff saw him as an “Apostle” (sic), but I had never heard any of them say it, until now. Just the other day John Rosenstern made the comment to his son Josh that he, John, came to Swaggarts ministry so he “could sit next to the ‘apostle’ and hear the word that the Lord gave to him”.

    How many of them feel this way I’m not sure. And to be honest with you, I think this is exactly how Jimmy and his family see him too.

    Here’s an interesting thing. His bible, and I do men “his bible” for it, the “JSESB” is no longer God’s Word, it is Jimmy’s word. He advertises it as the KJV, which it is not. He has changed so many things in it that it is, in my opinion, it is no his own personal version. In fact he should be sued for false advertisement for marketing it as the KJV.

    Now, here is something I think is quite telling. His use of grammar. He claims his notes being in red are so the black type of Scripture can be easily recognized. Everyone knows that rubrication is specifically done to draw ones attention to that which has been rubricated.

    Also here are his italicized notes. Italicized word are meant to draw ones attention to them, everyone should knows this too, especially a “writer”.

    Know we come to his use of parentheses ( ), and brackets [ ].

    parenthesis are used to add a thought to a sentence for additional info, and the parenthetical phrase does not affect the sentence in which they are used.

    Brackets are used basically for the same reason, yet with a difference.

    Here’s what I mean. Brackets are used when the info is from a different author other than the one doing the actual writing.

    Okay, parentheses are used when the author doing the writing is the one adding the parenthetical, especially in English.

    Here’s what scares me for Jimmy. I believe that he actually believes his doodling all over God’s Holy Word is okay because he is an “apostle” with a revelation and this, he and his think, gives him the authority to do what he has done, apparently without any second thoughts either. He believes his parenthetical notes are by the same author, the Holy Spirit.

    If one takes notice Jimmy does use brackets, however, from what I’ve seen thus far they are within his parenthetical doodling.

    Now I’ll tell you what scares me. Has Jimmy gone rogue, apostate, and doesn’t know it? I’ve heard him say that if one commits blasphemy against the Holy Spirit they wouldn’t be concerned with it because their heart would be so hard they wouldn’t care about (I tend to agree with that). This is what scares me about him.

    I got to wondering, just how could a man do such violence to God’s Holy Word, and then think God’s Spirit directed his every step to do said violence. How could one be so full of pride and arrogance as to lift himself up against the Most High God without giving it a second thought?

    I could only come up with one Biblical reason, Jimmy might very well be a true biblical apostate. This is the thought that scares me. When I first started thinking this, I hid, as it were, my face from it, like I had thought the unthinkable or something.

    I’ve been Christian for well over 40 years now, and something else came to me that I have never thought about any man. John writes in his 1st and ch. 5 about the sin unto death that he doesn’t say we are to pray for. Never in my life have I ever had what John says enter my mind, until now. I used to pray for Jimmy, but then it seemed that everytime I was about to pray for him John came to mind, and again as it were, I hid my face as if thinking a thought so horrendously terrible, so troubling in spirit that I couldn’t bear it. So now I have stopped praying for Jimmy and the troubling has stopped.

    I could say many other things but I think I’ve said enough. It brings me no pleasure to to write to you like this for there are much better things of Jesus we could be about doing. But I just wanted to write you at this time to encourage you to keep contending for the faith which was once and for all given to the saints.

    Welp, I’m pretty sure we will never meet here as mortals but when these mortals shall have put on immortality, then we’ll meet together with the Lord in the air.

    God bless you Mark, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with with you. Amen.

    A Christian,
    Timothy J. Bortner


    1. Hi Timothy, Thank you for your scholarly and thoughtful comment. I wonder the same things that you do about Swaggart: Is he an apostate? The Judgement shall reveal all. It is certainly, as you point out, a cultic and scary thing that his followers see him as an apostle. I have an article about the Swaggart Bible that brings out some of the same points you mention about the Swaggart Bible. It is here: https://christiananswerman.com/the-dangers-of-the-swaggart-bible/
      Thank you for your words of encouragement. Yes, we shall all meet by and by…see you here, there, or in the air!

      God Bless,

      …Pastor Mark


      1. Hey Mark,

        Thank you for the quick reply brother.

        Yes, I saw your article, well done for sure. You have many excellent articles from what I’ve seen thus far, thank you for them. They have been a wonderful source of confirmation to me and I’m sure quite a help to many others too.

        You call my little note “scholarly”, everytime I hear that it puts a smile on my face, like a little inside joke between Jesus and I. Here’s why: I only have a sixth grade education, lol. Jesus came to me in a jail cell back on July 19th 1978, it was a Wednesday at 6AM.

        Before that I was nothing but a drunken drug addict with years in prison who was involved with a 1%’er outlaw motorcycle club. Yes brother, I have been wonderfully, gloriously saved by the grace of God in Jesus!

        So that’s why I smile when somebody gives me a compliment like that after they’ve heard or read me for I know if it weren’t for Jesus I’d either be dead or in prison for life just like most of my old brothers BC are.

        I’ve never seen a Bible school to my knowledge, I’ve just spent a little time with my Jesus for I am my Beloveds and my Beloved is mine and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

        Welp, I suppose that’s it for now brother, it’s a pleasure having made your acquaintance Mark.

        Tally-ho old chap (I’m not really English, just love that accent although it doesn’t come across well when texting. I guess you had to be here, lol).

        God bless you Mark, praise the holy name of Jesus!



        1. Hi Timothy, I am reminded of the scripture where it says that they “perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:13) Yes, indeed! I recognize that you have been with Jesus! Praise his holy name!

          Thanks for sharing with me that the articles have been a benefit to you. Also, I love your sense of humor! God bless. If we don’t meet in this life we shall certainly rejoice and praise God together in glory.

          …Pastor Mark


  10. Hey Mark,

    Yea man, your articles are great stuff, very informative, quite helpful.

    For the most part, you are the only one I’ve read so far concerning Jimmy and that being quite recently. I like to research things for myself first, be able to have an informed opinion before I reference others. If I don’t know what I’m talking about it will be hard to know if somebody else does.

    Most of my writing has been against Gnosticism, Calvinism, antinomianism, etc. The last book I wrote against Calvinism was over a 1/4 million words. Point is, I’ve never read a Arminian theologian. Had “The Complete Works of Jacob Arminius” in my library for years, still never read them. Never really read commentaries either until the last 4 or 5 years or so, figured it was time to see what other brothers had to say.

    All I ever read was things like, dictionaries, lexicons, encyclopedias, etc. Jesus even guided me through learning how to read basic koine.

    God has been extremely merciful to me for sure, he changed me back to Doctor Jekyll for good, lol.

    Welp, have a good one, tally h…, oh never never mind, lol.

    God bless Mark, praise the holy name of Jesus!



  11. Hello Pastor Mark, in what year was JESUS crucified? Jimmy Swaggart says 33 A.D. what do you say? Best Regards,


  12. Pastor Mark, Ok let’s say it was 33 AD, so Herod (the king that wanted to kill Jesus) who historians say died in 4 or so BC , how old does that make JESUS? Best Regards William Sanders


    1. Hi William, There were actually six Herods. Herod the Great ruled from 37 – 4 B.C. Other Herods are mentioned in the New Testament but these are not the same as Herod the Great who slaughtered the innocents.

      In regard to the date of Jesus crucifixion, Bible.org gives this helpful information:

      “The date of the crucifixion of Christ has been greatly debated. Scholars have dated it anywhere from A.D. 21 to 36. In order to attempt to come to a concrete date, one must examine all the evidence at hand. First, it was seen that the officials at Christ’s trial were Caiaphas and Pilate who were in office simultaneously from A.D. 26 to 36. This eliminates the A.D. 21 date. Next in examining the day of crucifixion, it was concluded that it occurred on Friday, Nisan 14. With the help of astronomy the only possible years on which Friday, Nisan 14 occurred were A.D. 27, 30, 33, and 36. One can eliminate A.D. 27 and 36 when one looks at the ministry of Christ, leaving only A.D. 30 and 33 as feasible dates. However, upon further examining the evidence of astronomy and the life of Christ the most viable date for the death of Christ was A.D. 33. This date is confirmed when one looks into history for it not only fills several passages of the gospels with meaning but it also prevents the charge that the gospels are inaccurate in some parts of the passion narrative.”

      Luke 3:23 says, “Jesus, when he began his ministry, was about thirty years of age…” Jesus’ ministry lasted three and half years, putting Jesus’ death as occurring when he was about 33. How close to 33? It all depends on your what your definition of “about” is.

      …Pastor Mark


  13. JESUS, was crucified on a wednesday, Mark, not Friday, He did not lHE did not lie when HEsaid that HE would be li ke N oah down in the earth for 3 days and nights….Sincerely ,,,Bill Sanders


    1. Hi William, Thank you for commenting. The belief that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday and not on Friday is a frequently advocated error. It springs from assuming that the Jews counted days as we do in America. For example, if we were to say on Monday, “three days from now,” we would count Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and consider Thursday the third day. However the Jews did not do that. For the Jews, if they were to say on Monday “three days from now,” they would count, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and consider Wednesday as the the third day. So when Jesus was crucified on Friday, three days to the Jewish mind would be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. To Jewish thinking, even part of a day was considered a day. This is why the consensus among Bible scholars is that Jesus was crucified on Friday and rose on Sunday, the first day of the week, as the Gospels attest. For more on this I refer you to this article: https://www.compellingtruth.org/Jesus-crucified-Friday.html

      God bless,
      Pastor Mark


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