By Mark Swarbrick
For the complete story on Jimmy Swaggart, get my book, Swaggartism: The Strange Doctrines of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, available now on Amazon for only $6.99. For information click HERE. Available in Paperback and Kindle eBook – 266 pages of documented facts!
Jimmy Swaggart advocates against the use of any alcohol. That is well and good. A strong Biblical case can be made against Christians using alcohol in today’s society. Unfortunately, Swaggart goes far beyond that, stating that if any amount of alcohol is consumed by a Christian he is then doomed to an eternity in Hell. Here is what he says in his magazine The Evangelist, Nov 2011:
“But if it takes ten beers to make a person drunk, then it is a scientific fact that one beer makes the person one-tenth drunk. The vision is impaired by that much, with the motor responses also impaired. The reaction time is also slowed. And this is not merely the conclusion of a Preacher — this is a scientific fact after exhaustive investigation… the eternal destiny of those who engage in drunkenness is eternal Hell…when a person takes just one drink, he is partially drunk.”
Of course there is a major theological problem with what Swaggart says there. According to Swaggart, you are not saved anymore f you ingest even an infinitesimal amount of alcohol. Thus you are no longer saved by grace but by works, for you must be careful to abstain from any alcohol; one drink will negate the work of Christ on the cross, according to Swaggart.
Another problem is that this position creates many conundrums in scripture. For example, Jesus turned the water into wine and used wine at the last supper. But, If Swaggart’s assertions are true, we are confronted with a parodox: Jesus, who was sinless, would be sinning by creating and drinking wine.
Swaggart attempts to evade this problem by claiming that it was only pure unfermented grape juice used or made by Jesus. He even asserts that nearly all the wine used in Israel was merely grape juice. He says, “The wine referred to here was doubtless such as was commonly drunk in Palestine. That was the pure juice of the grape…”
The problem with Swaggart’s argument is that in Israel’s climate, without refrigeration or vacuum packing, it is nearly impossible to preserve unfermented grape juice. Warm grape juice almost immediately begins to ferment. Alcohol will be present as soon as fermentation begins, which will be only one or two days. So even if somehow the disciples found unfermented grape juice for the last supper, by the time they brought it to the upper room and drank it after their supper, there would be some amount of alcohol in it already, and according to Swaggart they would therefore all be partially drunk and Hell-bound.
Another point to consider is that the Greek word oinos is used in the passage. Oinos means wine, and by definition is alcoholic. The writers of scripture could have used the Greek word for grape juice, Gleukos, but they did not. They called it wine (Oinos).
“Gleukos” literally means “New Wine” or simply put “Unfermented grape juice”. You could still get drunk on Gleukos or new wine if you drank a lot of it, for as mentioned above, the juice begins fermenting almost immediately. In fact we see this alluded to in Acts 2:13, where we read, “Others mocking said, ‘These men are full of new wine (Gleukos).’” To get drunk on gleukos you had to be “full” of it.
The only conclusion can be that there was alcohol in the wine that was used by Jesus and the Disciples. This is not a problem for the average Bible-believing Christian for the Bible never says that drinking anything alcoholic is a sin. It does say that getting drunk is unwise and that Christians should not be drunk on wine but rather should seek to be filled with the Spirit. The Bible does say that being a drunkard (someone who habitually is intoxicated) is sin. 1 Cornithians 6:10 tells us that drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
If the wine that Jesus or the Christians of the 1st century drank had no alcohol, then there are numerous scriptures that make no sense. For example, Luke 7:33-34, “For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon.’ The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard…” They accused Jesus of being a drunkard because he did not abstain from alcohol as John the Baptist did. This is clear evidence that Jesus did drink alcoholic wine.
In 1 Timothy 5:23 we read where the Apostle Paul tells the young minister Timothy, “Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.” And again, the word used here is Oinos (wine) not gleukos (grape juice). Why does Paul say “a little wine,” instead of just wine? Clearly because of the alcohol content. He was admonishing Timothy to use a little for its medicinal benefits, but to avoid using too much because of the alcoholic content.
In a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition researchers found that the polyphenols found in fermented red wine have been proven to increase the beneficial bacteria needed in the intestines for proper digestion. This benefit is not available in grape juice, but is found in wine. It is common knowledge today that many fermented foods and drinks are beneficial to digestion. Apparently the beneficial qualities of wine was common knowledge in the first century. Because Christians were careful about alcohol consumption, Paul tells Timothy it is Okay to use a little for medicinal purposes.
Christians of the 1st century had differences of opinion on these matters, just as we do today. Many thought it was wrong to eat meat, mostly because much of it had been sacrificed to idols before being butchered and sold at the market. Some also thought it was wrong to drink wine. Paul made it clear that it was alright to eat meat or drink wine but that we ought to consider the beliefs of others and not judge one another in these matters or make it a matter of division.
Romans 14:19 – “All food is clean, but it is wrong for a person to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall.”
Paul’s word is clear, if you drink wine in view of a fellow Christian (who feels drinking wine is wrong), and he therefore drinks wine also (but feels guilty about it), then you have caused a brother to stumble. In such cases it is best to abstain.
Now of course if the wine was non-alcoholic grape juice as Swaggart contends, this whole passage becomes nonsensical, for why would anyone ever think it was not alright to drink grape juice?
Swaggart takes the opposite position from scripture and pronounces judgment upon all who disagree with him on this matter. He says, “When you take one drink, you’re saying you’re in favor of all the world stands for, all the flesh stands for, and all the Devil stands for.” That is ludicrous. Many Christians take communion with real wine. Swaggart says that puts them on the side of Satan. This is the sort of division and rhetorical excess that the Apostle Paul warned against.
Swaggart says that fermented wine, is the product of “fungi and bacteria,” that it is “rotted, fermented, decayed, spoiled…” and that because of this it is evil to put it in our bodies. It might surprise Jimmy Swaggart to know that it is bacteria in our intestines that makes digestion possible. If wine is evil because it is fermented, then pickles and sour kraut are sending people to hell!
In fact, our bodies produce small amounts of alcohol in our digestive tract through fermentation. According to Swaggart you are then a little bit drunk, not to mention the debauchery of those who take cough medicine that has alcohol in it. All these people doomed to perdition and they don’t know it because they haven’t read Jimmy Swaggart’s article on wine!
Swaggart also makes a point that alcohol causes impairment and that is sinful. Well, if you didn’t get a good night’s sleep you are impaired. If you are sick you are impaired. Growing old makes you impaired. People are impaired by lots of things but that doesn’t mean they are sinning.
The Bible’s message on alcohol is crystal clear: If you drink, don’t do it in such a way that it harms your witness for Christ and do not drink in excess and become drunk. Do not judge those who don’t drink and don’t judge those who do.
When anyone goes beyond what the scripture says and starts making up rules that not even Christ followed, then you have started down the path of legalism. The problem with legalism is that it detracts from the true spirituality of being filled with the Spirit and walking with Jesus, replacing it instead with dry, dead rules. Those who choose rules over relationship end up being judgmental and divisive and then they imagine they are holier than thou because of their legalism. Romans 14:17 says, “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
I’ll conclude with the words of the Apostle Paul who summed it up well in Colossians 2:16,21-23,
“Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink… Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!”? These rules, which have to do with things that are all destined to perish with use, are based on merely human commands and teachings. Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.”
To see the entire list of articles on Swaggartism, click the down arrow (v) to the right of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries in the menu to the left.
If you found this article interesting, you would enjoy my book, Swaggartism: The Strange Doctrines of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, available now on Amazon for only $6.99. For information click HERE.
Available in Paperback and Kindle eBook – 266 pages of documented facts!
Books by Mark Swarbrick…
For more information on Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, get my book, Swaggartism: The Strange Doctrines of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, available now on Amazon in paperback, Kindle eBook, and audio book, starting at only $6.99. For information click HERE.
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Evolution Exposed: The Biblical and Scientific Evidence against Evolution
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Real Science vs Evolution: The Scientific Evidence against Evolution
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The Pre-Trib Rapture: Biblical Truth of the Blessed Hope
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The Carnivore Diet: The Science, the Promise, and the Pitfalls
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It is interesting to see how a man that he himself considered that he was forgiven of years of adultery now claiming someone that drinks a beer or a glass of wine can go to hell. From Psalm 104:15 is difficult to think someone being happy just by drinking grape juice. From the miracle of converting water to wine it is difficult to see that as talking about grape juice.
Hi Nacho – Great point! Thanks for commenting.
…Pastor Mark
The ignorance of the Swaggarts regarding intoxication and metabolism is ridiculous. I have heard Donnie boldly proclaim: “If you drink a beer containing 6% alcohol, you are 6% drunk.” Not true because intoxication is based upon gender (females metabolize alcohol at a slower rate), weight, and food content in stomach. For example, if a woman who weighs 100 lbs drinks a “tall boy” of 8% ABV within an hour, her BAC is .14, or .06 over legal intoxication; hence halfway point of the can, her BAC is .07, or 88% intoxicated. Alcohol abstinence is indeed honorable, but being a false teacher is spiritual prostitution.
Aaahhh restriction of free speech no wonder all the comments I see are negative just like the world to silence Truth
Hi Jacob, I agree with you about the world trying to silence the truth. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and others are public forums for public discussion. Their complicity with the federal government to silence free speech for their political goals is a violation of the Constitution. I’m with you there. However, my website is exactly that – my website. It is mine. I pay for it. I built it. I am the moderator and pastor over all that transpires on my website. It is akin to a private Facebook group that has a moderator. You agree to certain conditions to be allowed to join. Your posts on that group are approved and posted upon the good graces of the moderator.
So it is with my website. Your comment, which stated, “The ignorance of these comments is wild,” contributes nothing to the site. It is not an intelligent comment or question that presents or considers any point of doctrine. That comment will not help anyone deceived by a cult, therefore it did not pass moderation. If you will run down through the menu you will find some people made comments in defense of a cult, and that back-and-forth discussion actually became published on this site as articles. Why? Because they were respectful and made coherent defenses of their position. It was beneficial for people to read their justification of their doctrinal position and hear a biblical refutation of it. So the accusation that people are not allowed to speak anything negative is simply not true. My conditions for posting comments are posted at the top of the menu in the article, “About Posting Comments.” Here is an excerpt from it:
We welcome people to post comments and questions. However, there is a caveat, which this page will explain. The purpose of this website is not to be an open forum for cultists, or for Christians deceived by false teachers, to espouse their erroneous ideas. Its purpose is to assist family members, friends and pastors with information to help them as they reach out to those they care about who have become deceived by false teachers. Often family members note a personality change comes over someone who gets snared into a cult. These family members need someone to talk to who know the teachings and ways of that cult in order to know best how to help someone being deceived. The comment section’s purpose is to be a venue for that to happen.
Typically, those who are thoroughly brainwashed, are not seeking help from this website but are commenting with another purpose in mind – they aspire only to voraciously defend their particular cult. Those comments are not posted as they are not in line with the purpose of this site. There are many excellent comments coming in from people who have had first-hand experience with a particular cult and they have things to say that furthers the goals of this site, which is to lead people out of deception. But to give space to argumentative comments from the deceived and unteachable is pointless. That would only detract from the effectiveness of this ministry and serves only to muddy the waters. No doubt some will take issue with this. They are free to go start their own website if they want a platform to argue from.
The article on the rules for posting comments can be seen in its entirety here:
God bless,
Pastor Mark