Swaggart Exposes False Teachers

Jimmy Swaggart Exposes False Teachers

False Teacher Jimmy Swaggart Exposes False Teachers: Jimmy Swaggart has an excellent article on the importance of exposing false teachers. What is so interesting about this is that one of the most common comments on my website made by followers of Swaggart is that I am wrong for exposing the false teachings of Jimmy Swaggart. Here is an actual comment:

“Touch not God’s anointed! God will kill you for coming against his prophet!”

My website has received hundreds of comments from Swaggarites who say we are never to judge, and certainly never analyze or be critical of anything Swaggart says because, as they put it, “Christians are not to judge.” But by saying this they are going against the very teaching of their leader, Jimmy Swaggart.

What False Teacher Jimmy Swaggart Says About False Teachers

So let’s look and see what Jimmy Swaggart himself has said about exposing false doctrine and false teachers. Here is an excerpt from Swaggart’s article

Swaggart’s Article:

Men who teach unscriptural doctrines are to be “tried” and/or “judged” by the Word of God and exposed expressly as a false teacher. Unfortunately, preachers today seek every means possible to avoid their duty to discern and judge, despite the light given to us in Scripture regarding such. Romans 16:17: “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them who cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned (refers to the fact that false teachers are to be identified); and avoid them (turn away from and shun these).” We are also to rebuke them: “This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the Faith” (Titus 1:13).  We are to have no fellowship with them: “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Eph. 5:11)…Now, how can Believers turn away from false teachers if we do not identify them?

The entire article is worth reading and can be found here:


How sad it is that followers of Jimmy Swaggart do not follow his instruction in this article and compare Jimmy Swaggart’s teaching to the Bible. Somehow they have absorbed the idea that Jimmy Swaggart is above the Word of God and cannot have his teaching in any way analyzed according to Scripture.

False Doctrines of  False Teacher Jimmy Swaggart

Jimmy Swaggart’s theological errors are numerous, as many cult-watch websites have pointed out. In accordance with Jimmy Swaggart’s own advice, I expose them on this site. Swaggart’s false teachings can be found in his books and in his “Expositor’s Study Bible” he sells. Here is a partial list of his strange teachings:

  1. The Apostle Paul as a Christian lived a defeated sinful life.
  2. The Apostle Paul did not understand the cross.
  3. None of the apostles understood the cross.
  4. Jimmy Swaggart claims he’s been given a new revelation about the cross.
  5. Swaggart claim’s his new revelation goes beyond what the church has ever known before.
  6. Swaggart claims most churches besides JSM are satanic and in error and rebellion.
  7. Swaggart claims he is called and anointed of God to reform the Church.
  8. Swaggart claims he is the apostle of the Church’s reformation.
  9. Faith in “the cross alone” is emphasized over faith in Jesus Christ.
  10. Swaggart claims he is the only TV evangelist preaching the proper gospel.
  11. Swaggart says unless you speak in tongues “you are of little worth in the Kingdom of God.”
  12. Swaggart claims God the Father has a man-like body that is not omnipresent (everywhere at once).
  13. Swaggart says the Holy Spirit also has a body.
  14. Swaggart says God’s body lives on a planet somewhere in our universe.
  15. Swaggart teaches that Planet Heaven is in the direction “north.”

For more information on Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, see the Menu to the left: Jimmy Swaggart Ministries.

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Books by Mark Swarbrick…

Swaggartism, Jimmy Swaggart Prostitute, Jimmy Swaggart House, Swaggart false prophet, false teacher, Jimmy Swaggart Net WorthFor more information on Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, get my book, Swaggartism: The Strange Doctrines of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, available now on Amazon in paperback, Kindle eBook, and audio book, starting at only $6.99. For information click HERE.

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Evolution Exposed: The Biblical and Scientific Evidence against Evolution

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In his book, The Pre-Trib Rapture, author Mark Swarbrick meticulously outlines the extensive biblical support for a Pre-Trib Rapture, emphasizing the deliverance of the Church before the onset of the impending Tribulation period.

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The Carnivore Diet: The Science, the Promise, and the Pitfalls

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THIS READ IS A GRIPPING JOURNEY back in time to the rugged Wild West, where love, justice, and redemption entwine in a tale that will leave you captivated. Author Mark Swarbrick skillfully weaves historical detail into this action-packed narrative, giving readers an authentic and suspenseful experience. The story revolves around Cal Chandler, an unlikely outlaw forced into a life of crime, and his love for Jessica Lorena McKenzie, a devout Christian, creating a captivating clash of faiths and emotions. For fans of historical depth, “Beyond Redemption” is a must-read that brings the people of the Wild West to life as they truly were.” — Jerry Rubenstein

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Beyond Redemption: War & Peace in the Old West  (Book 2)

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Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $9.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Abducted by Demons – Saved by Jesus:
My Journey from Hell to Heaven

In Abducted by Demons – Saved by Jesus, Swarbrick shares his personal struggle with demonic oppression and how a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ led him to discover the transformative power of faith.

Available in Paperback, Kindle eBook, and Audio Book. Only $3.99 – Click HERE to purchase at Amazon. 


Other books by Pastor Mark Swarbrick, click the image below…

The Expositors Study Bible, Jimmy Swaggart Study Bibles, The Expositor's Study BibleThe Expositors Study Bible, Jimmy Swaggart Study Bibles, The Expositor's Study BibleThe Expositors Study Bible, Jimmy Swaggart Study Bibles, The Expositor's Study Bible


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