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  1. I watched your video concerning your information on Jimmy Swaggart, and it was very enlightening and true. I live here in Botn Rouge La. about 10 miles from JSM , and I use to attend church there. As of april 2015 until now , God has moved on my heart a number of times and I ‘ve tried to reach out to Jimmy , donny, Loren ect. requarding their false doctrine and the expositor’s study bible. on francis and friends show (5-13-15) donny swaggart took almost the entire broadcast trying to put up a defense. The program is still in theirs and our archives. We have other interactions with them as well, and our only goal is to reach out in love and inform the followers of the error. Thank you.


    1. Hi Curtis, Thank you for your comment. I am glad you are trying to reach the Swaggarts with correction. Anything is possible with God! I pray your efforts bear fruit! So the show on 5-13-15 was them trying to defend against your correction? Very interesting. I would like to hear more about it.

      God Bless,

      Pastor Mark


  2. Yes , on 5-13-15 durning the francis and friends show, Donny swaggart put up a very strong defence . It should be still in their arhives , if not we have it recorded. He agreed that everything I shared was in agreement with what Jesus would say if He was hear , but he and the panal stated that no one could obey the Lord in that manner, so I sent him scriptures like…luke 6:46…mat. 7:21…mat. 5:16-20. I spoke pensonally with one of his ministers before this event and we went though the scriptures requarding their false message of the cross and when he realized that they were off beat with the bible, he said “well this a revelation”.


  3. I re-blogged you article on Swaggart’s Bible! I had already thrown mine away but ran across your TRUTHFUL article and felt led to share it in case some one has it or is thinking about getting it.
    God Bless!


  4. Hey Mark, Thank you so much for your informative website. I wish all his followers would read it.

    I am reading your new book about Swaggart on Kindle. It is fantastic too.

    I have watched alot of Jimmy’s network and wrote many copious quotes and comments from many of his programs that left me dumbfounded that he could say these things. These are quotes that would add substance to your wonderful website. I would like to mail these to you on the internet. There are too many to post here. I prefer emailing them to you. Where do I did send to you?

    Thank you, Maggie


    1. Hi Maggie, Thanks for the encouraging words! I’m glad you are reading the book. I am very very happy that you have some quotes. I have been needing help from people who monitor Swaggart’s teaching. Yes, Please send them to me and I will certainly use them. You can email them to

      …Pastor Mark


  5. I think you are wrong on the KJ only. Going by the material you posted was incorrect. Even Babes in Christ know who Jesus Father is, it was not Joseph, as you imply. You are dead wrong on this. As for the other bibles you mentioned. I find it difficult to agree with you when the other bibles are outright missing verses. You are too bright to not know this, yet you used a very lame excuse on the Father of Jesus.
    I enjoyed reading on ALL OTHER subjects you have on this site.I feel very blessed to have found your site. God Bless, Harold.


      1. Hi Harold, Concerning your comment about Joseph and the father of Jesus: God was Jesus’ father, biologically. Joseph was only a step father. He was not a parent in the biological sense, but only in a paternal sense. Even the King James Version speaks of Joseph as Jesus’ parent. For example, in Luke 2:41 the KJV says: “Now His parents went to Jerusalem.” Of course Joseph was not really his parent, for God was his father. But the Bible uses the word parent in the sense that he was a step father acting as a parent. Likewise when the Bible says in Luke 2:33, “And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about Him,” that reference does not mean to imply that Joseph was a biological father, only that he was a step father acting as father.

        The point in the article was that KJV onlyists point to that verse and say, “Look, the KJV says “Joseph and his mother,” while new versions say “father and mother,” and they try to claim that means the modern version is denying the version birth. That argument doesn’t hold water because even the KJV speaks of Joseph as Jesus’ parent. The reason the modern versions say “Joseph and his mother” is because that is what the original Greek documents say. The King James version changes it from the original, probably because they simply did not like it referring to Joseph as a father. But there really is no problem with the “father and mother” statement when it is understood that it is merely referring to Joseph as a step father. It is always best to stay with what the apostles originally wrote, rather than what the KJV translates wanted it to be.

        I hope this clarifies it for you. God bless and thank you for your question.

        …Pastor Mark


  6. Pastor Mark, Ddo you send out weekly newsletters? or anything like that? If so, Please ADD ME TO YOUR LIST! FEED me Pastor, I’m always hungry for the truth.GBU & your family.


    1. Hi Harold, I don’t have a newsletter but I think your idea is a great one. I believe I will start doing that. It might be monthly rather than weekly, at least at first. You are on the list so you will get one as soon as I start it. Thanks for the great idea! God bless,

      …Pastor Mark


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