Porn in Public Libraries


by Mark Swarbrick

House of PornIncredible as it may seem, public libraries across the nation are stocking their shelves with illegal child pornography.  Even more incredible, library administrators who flaunt these filthy wares believe they are above the law. While average citizens in possession of such materials are being locked away as sex offenders, librarians are flagrantly violating the law with impunity. Federal law defines any image or cartoon that merely appears to depict children engaging in sexual activity as illegal child porn.

This problem has become a nation-wide issue because the head of the American Library Association, Emily Drabinski, is a self-avowed Marxist and a lesbian. She has stated that her view “includes the subversion of…normal family types.”  The traditional heterosexual family unit is her target. She is determined to destroy the fabric or our nation by dismembering the traditional American family via pushing homosexuality and pornography on the young children of America. She is using the public library system to attain her diabolical goal.

A fight is currently raging in Dixon, Illinois, where thousands of concerned citizens are objecting to the illegal child porn in the Dixon Public Library. One such book in dispute is a children’s comic book entitled Gender Queer.  It is filled with graphic discussions by children about masturbation and graphic images of different kinds of sexual activity between minors, including sodomy. The library board is determined to keep this disgusting material available for children to view.

The material in question graphically shows children engaging in sex acts and is therefore illegal. Citizens of Dixon want those responsible for distributing this contraband prosecuted in court. The federal stature plainly classifies this sort of material as illegal child pornography, to wit:

“Section 1466A of Title 18, United States Code: “Any person who…knowingly produces, distributes, receives, or possesses with intent to distribute, a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct…or depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in…oral-genital contact…whether between persons of the same or opposite sex…or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be subject to the penalties provided in section 2252A.”

The articles in this section contain information about the ongoing fight for decency in Dixon, Illinois. Please share the articles with as many as possible on social media.


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